Saturday, May 11, 2013

I am glad someone thinks I am tall and human ;)

Brooke gave me my Mother's Day art work a little early, which is perfect because today is also my Birthday!

These are the things Brooke says she likes about me...

My Mommy is...

good cleaner, cooks good, princess, pretty voice, smart, loving, funny, happy, playful, teacher, nice, healthy, good, sweet, smells good, long, tall, careful, caring, fun, running is special to her and human

( Glad she thinks  I am human, because Kevin and others have often asked me  ( " Do you come from another planet? Are you living on the same earth I am ?" )

She gave me a paper that says " Top Ten Reasons I love Mom "

My Mom helps me with my dance stretches.

My Mom Loves me.

My Mom sings to me.

My Mom is careful.

My Mom is nice.

My Mom is good.

My Mom reads to me.

My Mom is my Mom.

My Mom is the best Mommy ever.

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