Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Asking for Help

There are so many times in the New Testament that Christ prays to his Father. I love this moment in particular when he is in the Garden of Gethsemane, taking upon himself all of our sins...Bleeding from every pore.. I always remind Brooke that what Christ is doing in this picture, is even more significant than when he was hanging on the cross. I remind her that this is where the demands of justice are met, for all who repent daily for their sins, with sincere change.... the sins are taken away, and we are forgiven. 

I love this picture because it reminds me that even a completely perfect person, Jesus Christ, still finds it necessary and desires to be aided by his Father. He remindes us what we should do in our most difficult hours. Get on our knees and ask for help.

Luke 22:42
Saying Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

and what I love even more, is that his Father couldn't take the cup from him, but what he did do, is send him help.

Luke 22: 43
And there appeared and angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

 So many times we might feel our prayers aren't answered the way we wish, but if we pay attention we can see that we are being helped, and in many ways we can see his hand in our lives. 

We were lucky that Will napped for awhile while we were at Temple Square. It was so peaceful...and when he woke up, he must have felt the peace there, because he just sat there in awe..which is highly unusual for him to sit still ever...

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