Sunday, August 11, 2013


I made a check off my bucket list while visiting Audrey's family. Actually, it was WAY MORE than a check off my bucket list...and I didn't feel so dorky when Audrey looked over at me in this event and said to me, " This is a dream come true. " I felt the exact same way....

Audrey makes friends with all of her neighbors where ever she lives. How can you be of service to anyone if you don't know them, and they don't feel comfortable asking you for help when they need it? I try to follow her example and do this in my own life as well...

 So, Audrey got one of her neighbor friends to watch our kids so that her and I could take a hike up a mountain near her house. I believe it's called Stanley Canyon when we went up?

At first I didn't understand what Audrey was talking about when she said that I shouldn't bring my phone or camera? She said that she would bring her phone in her hip pouch for us to take pictures....

I didn't know what kind of a treat I was in for...

The hike was hard! You had to use your hands to climb up the rocks many times on this hike!
And, what made it a dream come true is that WE RAN! Well as much as we could until we had to slow and use our hands to climb...It is a strange thing... my neck and running. I can run up a hill, but the second I go down my neck starts cracking. My left foot was numb the whole hike so that made footing a bit more difficult, but I just ignored it....

We both wore our heart monitors and we were both in training zone the whole time. It was amazing.

It was beautiful to be in the peace of the mountains with one of my best friends. It was incredible to be running and breathing mountain air. It was intense the deep conversations that we had while doing this...

We laughed a lot....We also actually both cried, talking about spiritual experiences. We shared our fears, hopes and dreams on this hike. I will never forget it....

It started to storm on our way down the mountain...and since we were on the Air Force base a voice said loudly throughout the mountains...

" Lightening is less than five miles shelter. "

We had to go slower on our way down, and we did get a little scared...

Audrey had to help me on the way down...holding my hand...letting me hold her shoulder..I kept slipping on the wet rocks, with a numb foot, it didn't help..and I thought...
This is just like always...Audrey is leading my way...and I was so glad I have always had her help in my life....


I will forever be thankful for her sisterhood and friendship.....

Kevin said on the phone to me before the hike, " Well, I know you have been wanting to hike, so this will be good to get this out of your system."

He wasn't surprised when I called him after and said," That was just an opening to a new door....I will be finding hikes in Oklahoma and Arkansas only a few hours away. I can't believe I didn't do this when I lived in Utah as a kid! "

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