Thursday, August 15, 2013

Holding your Breath....

Will has been saying some hilarious things lately. He has said some incredibly smart things, but along with verbalizing comes those things that little kids can say,  that can make a Mother hold her breath.....and turn beet red.

We have let our friend Tasha that has been investigating our church for months.... come live with us for five weeks.

We moved all her stuff into Kevin's office one night when the kids were asleep. Kevin was so nice to give up this room for a bit, to help Tasha out. Plus, it means missionaries and church members at our house for lessons all the time, so it is a huge support from him to help me, to help her.....

When Will heard a new voice upstairs the next morning he ran up the stairs, looked slightly wide eyed at the room filled with new furniture and said loudly, " This is not your house. " I had followed him upstairs and I said, " Will, Tasha is going to stay her for a few weeks." He got kind of frantic...he wasn't listening to me. He said, " Is that your bed? This is my house, you have a house." She was so nice and said, " I am going to stay in your house for a little bit Will. " He said, " You paid your house at the store. You have another one house." At that point I thought I better just take Will out of the room, but then he noticed the rat cage in the corner. He had a lot of fun playing with Tasha's two rats and after the end of our play as we were about the leave the room Will said,
" Tasha, is this your house? " With a nice tone of voice. It was like he was thinking, well....I don't get it, so I will pose a question to find out what she thinks....

I laughed out loud when Will woke up early yesterday morning, he came in the room and announced, " I just woke up. " I said, " I know you just woke up, good morning Will. " He then said, " I just woke up at thirty-thousand." I said, " Wow, thirty-thousand." He said, " No, I just woke up at thirty-o'clock." I smiled and laughed.....

The sweetest thing was laying with him for a min. before bed the other night and Will had his arm wrapped around my head. He said randomly, " I just love you Mommy. " I said, " I love you too Will. "
He paused in silence as we laid there and then said, " I just want you to be my Mommy. "
I said, " I am your Mommy Will. "

I didn't know I was on trial to be his Mother? I am glad he chose me.....

                       It is not fun to come into the room and find a closet Will has destroyed like this.......
But, it is super hard to have a bad reaction when you realize he was just trying to entertain himself by getting the game Perfection out, and you find him quietly sitting there in front of the mess, putting all the shapes in place showing off the smarty pants that he is......

                                                   Will's face expressions are priceless........

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