Sunday, August 25, 2013

A good reason to be little, Finally!!!!

                            This summer we got season passes to SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS!
                          When Kevin and I were dating we had a season pass, just the two of us....
                    We love theme parks, and having a season pass is good for Kevin's and my attention span....
           Kevin and I would go in the evenings and stay for a few hours until we'd get bored and we wouldn't feel bad for not staying very long. We knew this would be perfect with the kids this summer, since Texas is so hot, you just can't be there in mid-day with out melting to death....SOOO, the kids loved going to Six Flags three times this year so far! Kevin and I got to see a whole other side of the park that we had never seen, since we never went there with kids, until this year...Brooke's favorite time so far was when we brought her friend Natalie along with us.....

                                         I get to go on the kids rides with my kids since I fit!!!
                                  This smile on Will's face was due to our free fall!The ride is a mini version of the big adult free fall " Super Man " ride......
                                      Now he's beginning to wonder when the ride will be over....
                               Well...they wouldn't even let me try and fit on this ride....oh well....
                                                            They love the airplanes!!!
                          I didn't know this ride goes all the way upside down...Brooke came off terrified!
   The rocket goes upside down and leaves you hanging mid-air for what seems like hours when scared!!!!
                                            Nap time is absolutely necessary at theme parks....
                                     Brooke and Natalie felt so big going on rides all by themselves..
                                       Since we live in Texas the sombrero ride is a must!
                                                                      Spins pretty fast..........
                                 Brooke bought herself and Natalie Shade umbrellas with her own money!

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