Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Another Adventure just in time for our Nine Year Wedding Anniversary

 We were due for an Adventure, and although I planned this one out....leave it to Kevin to get us all laughing, crying and leave us with unforgettable memories on our Sat. morning activity.

This past Sat. we went out to White Rock Lake and rented a canoe. The kids were so excited to go on a canoe, because they had never been on one before. We all had our own paddles and even Will helped us get around some.

Will is sure a brave little guy because he kept telling us all that he knew there was an alligator in the water underneath us, and he wasn't worried about it at all! Will also said he saw a shark fin a few times as we were paddling along in the lake. So, if you ever need a really brave guide to take you in one lake, where alligators and sharks are swimming just below your canoe, just ask Will to take you to White Rock Lake, to go canoeing with you ;)

We brought some bread and fed a Mom and some baby ducks as we paddled along. The kids were just tickled to have the little babies swim pretty close to us, and gobble the bread all up.

We counted 22 turtles that we spotted on our one hour trip around the creek.

We were brave and decided to take this little side creek narrow path into the woods. I told Kevin I was glad that we went that way because it got really green and really pretty where we were headed...of course I wasn't surprised at all when Kevin ruined our peaceful, and serene moment by explaining that I needed to make sure that Brooke looked the other way, because he needed to pee. I couldn't stop him...and as he stood up the boat was rocking pretty heavily and the kids started screaming.

Our sweet nature conversation turned into Brooke being tramatized that her Dad peed in public. For the next ten min. all we heard was Brooke saying how what he did was against the law, and of course the reminder that Brooke, Will and I all used the port-a-potty before we got into the canoe, and Daddy should have done that!

Just as we calmed down from that excitement Kevin, being bummed out that he forgot his fishing pole at home, spotted a loose fishing string attatched to a tree with a hook. Well, we all know that Kevin is a pro at stick and string fishing, so he thought it would be a good idea to stand up again in the canoe and see if he could untangle this string from a near by tree.

He paddled us close to the tree and I started screaming at the top of my lungs! Kevin had driven us into a tree that was infested with huge brown spiders crawling all over it and only a few inches from my face where I had slid off the seat of the canoe into the bottom of the boat as I was trying to get away from them!

Our adventure ended with Will excited about the spiders, telling all kinds of stories about how they scratched and bit Mommy, and Brooke still traumatized that her Dad peed in the lake while we were on our canoe trip.

She mentioned it again today actually.

Thanks Kevin for always adding excitement to our lives! Happy nine year wedding Anniversary!
This journey could only be possible with you, and you teach me so much! I love you forever and no matter what...

                                                                                                       Emily :)

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