Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Your Grandpa Turano

Brooke and William,

I have been pondering for days what I would write to you about your Grandpa Turano and his recent death. There are are just not even words that can express how much he will be missed by all of us. Even now your Father mourns over the thought of not receiving another text message from his Father. Those simple and small messages would bring a smile or laugh into his day. Although many in the Kansas City vicinity will remember the outstanding physician that he was, as he shared some of lives most treasured moments with over ten-thousand husbands and wives, as their new born babies took their first breath outside the womb, the memory that we hold in our hearts is more than just a special moment, but a life time of special moments, of strength provided in family relations, or the " glue " that held the family together. Although he is remembered for being there at only a phone call away, in medical emergencies for his OBGYN patients, he is remembered by the Turano's as having incredible worth ethic and desire to create security for the family in their present day and future needs. It is certain that his careful architecture designing of his office buildings will be held as a piece of him, still with them, in his offices, but we will be missing the careful design and planning on how to handle his daughter's needs..being the father figure of his two grand daughters who lost their father as just baby and toddler. In an effort to provide comfort in a way that not even he could completely heal, he   planned and followed through adding a deck in Aunt Doreen's  backyard, as well the landscape that is enjoyed early mornings as she drinks her coffee outside. He went to her house and enjoyed that coffee with her at home just down the street on many mornings....This will be deeply missed by Aunt Doreen.
Your Father will not just be missing text messages, but also daily phone calls. These phone calls although consisted of being playfully harassed for not seeing eye to eye on a political, financial, or family security advise, could be overwhelming at times, but the general idea clearly shown was that Grandpa Turano cared...and loved us enough to want to be a part of our lives and the decisions made in it. He was known at the local Casino as " Silver Fox " but to us he will always be more precious than gold. He left us his dearest works of retouching and cleaning up pictures of ancestors. Grandpa sent them to us over email and shared his love for his deceased family by sharing memories and photographs with us. He knew what the family should be made of and he made every effort to provide the ingredients that he so clearly believed in....Laughter, Loving, and Zest for Life....When stress levels in the home went up he soothed our hearts by playing his black Grand Piano. When he was happy, he shared the song of his heart on his piano, as his children will never forget waking up on Sat. mornings to the song from Fiddler on the Roof , " If I were a rich man." He loved history, and not just the written history but the artifacts of it. His collection of antique record players, cars, and much more, wasn't just a love for the item, but the history behind it. He once said about me, that he knew I was a good soul, because " how could someone who loved Mickey Mouse not be a good soul? " Today I say to you Dad Turano, " How could a man who admits to talking to his plants so they will grow more tall, more strong, and more beautiful , not be a good soul?" I teased him this past December as we gathered around for our Christmas Italian Feast...I asked, " Do you talk to your plants? " Since he loves them so much. He openly admitted he did without an ounce of shame in his voice...Now, others may have thought he was teasing me, since I practically believe anything out of his mouth, even after years of data that should have taught me to do otherwise...but I believe he did talk to his plants. After all, Jeff and Kevin did  find a blue print of every tree, flower and plant that he had planted in his back yard and garden. Brooke and Will, he had a good soul...and as he told me, that about me....I tell you that I know that about him, your sweet grandfather who is greatly missed already, HAD A GOOD SOUL.... We will see him again. Your Father in Heaven always has the last say about when someone passes into the next life.It was not coincidence that Uncle Leonard happened to be in town, or that Grandma Turano's best friend from Israel happened to come in town specifically because she had a feeling she should  go see Dorothy ...As we mourn I ask us to remember in the Bible in Luke chapter 12 verse 6 and 7

Jesus says, " Are not five sparrows sold for two farthlings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. "

God knows everything...he notices even when one hair on our head is lost! He is the creator of our world and universe...what he knows and has said, goes...and we should be thankful for that...For his will...because he is a merciful loving Father in Heaven, who will never leave those who turn to him comfortless...

God knew that Grandpa Turano's time was up, and that it would be alright for him to enter into his next journey, until we meet again, as we go into the next life, or at the resurrection that we will all be blessed with when Christ comes again....we will see him again and we will embrace him as we have once before...

                                      Grandpa William Leonard Turano and Brooke Lynne Turano

                               Grandpa William Leonard Turano sleeping on the couch with
                                                              William Allen Turano

                               Grandpa Turano, Will, Brooke and Daddy - June 2010

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