Friday, May 9, 2014

Will's Preschool Easter Egg Hunt

 At Will's preschool Easter Egg Hunt he was for sure one of the fastest egg collectors of his preschool class.
Despite Will being super excited, one thing that was super sweet and cute was when one of the eggs was broken on the ground and Will saw that it was chocolate inside. He stopped from his egg chase and went up to the little girl in his class named " Ainsley " whom he refers to as his " Queen" and he said to her, " You can have this one, its chocolate and chocolate makes me itchy." He dropped it in his basket and it all happened so fast that I couldn't get a picture of anything but him running away from her to go find some more eggs!

  Ainsley Will's little " queen " has a twin sister that Will calls, " princess. " His teacher Mrs.Cori laughs and tells me that Will really does treat Ainsley a bit more like royalty than the one he calls princess....
And, I am not sure why he decided one was more of a queen and one more a princess, but so far, I haven't heard that it is hurting anyone's feelings?


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