Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pre-Birthday party

 I am so blessed, lucky and delighted to have a friend like Holly Duenas. It is hard to find a friend who loves and accepts you even with all your weaknesses and I have a lot of those! One of the best things about Holly is that I know she loves me enough to tell me what she really thinks. She is compassionate to me, she knows how to have fun and we both LOVE a good meal and some fun Mommy time out!

Holly has been one of my closest friends for five years now. She has seen me at ups and downs. She has heard my wild ideas, greatest fears, and dreams...

As an early celebration to my birthday we enjoyed a girls afternoon of getting our nails done and eating at our favorite restaurant Sauce, on the McKinney square. We order the same delicious salad every time we go...share pizza and it is so yummy! But, just hanging out is the best. I love you Holly! :)

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