Friday, May 30, 2014

Story written a month ago about Grandpa Turano

Brooke wrote this about one month ago, before Grandpa Turano passed away. She needed to write a story for an assignment. She chose to write a story about her Dad and Grandpa Turano.

The Ice and Water on My Dad

On a sunny day with my grandpa and grandma Turano, me and my Grandpa Turano were sitting on the couch and my Dad was asleep on the other couch with his phone in his hand. My grandpa told me to put my Dad's phone on his head. At first I said no, but the second time I said yes. Then he gave me a cup and told me to put ice and water in the cup and I said yes. So, I went and did it. Then he told me to put ice in my Dad's pocket and dump the water on it and I said no, but then I said yes, because he said that I could put a stick in his pants if I did. So I did it. Then I went outside to get a stick. I got a little one and stuck it up my Dad's pants. Then my Grandma said, you're as bad as her, and then my Dad woke up and he said, why is there a stick in my pants and why am I wet? What happened? Why is there ice in my pocket.

Grandpa Turano and Brooke had a good laugh :)

                Brooke's seventh birthday party- Grandma and Grandpa Turano always come in for birthdays :)

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