Saturday, June 21, 2014

Beavers Bend - Young Womens Girls Camp

 Brooke and I had a great privilege of being invited to go to the Young Women's Ward Girls Camp this summer. We both had the time of our lives! When we pulled up Brooke to the camp site and Brooke was really surprised that the cabins looked like what she called regular houses. She said, " I wanted to go real camping." I think she got the adventure she was seeking on our canoe trip. ( I will explain that in a moment.)

So after we pulled up, parked the car and  we got our bags into the cabin all my hopes of having some " Brooke and me time" came crashing into reality as I realized she had suddenly disappeared. She was the girls little camp mascot that they all wanted to have sitting next to them. This is probably every eight-year olds dream to be surrounded by teenagers and getting all the attention! ( Girls Camp is for girls twelve and older )

Brooke let me know she was going on a canoe with Molly Scholl and Suzanne Dyer as soon as life jackets for the canoeing trip began to be dispersed. I basically had to let them know that I was going on the canoe with them, and boy am I glad that I did! It was all of our first time actually having to really steer and paddle in  a canoe. I didn't know how hard this was, or what I was doing! Kevin always just did the job whenever we went on a canoe in the past.

There was a faster part of the river and some pretty big rocks that we did not do a good job of avoiding. We actually went half way up a rock and were sitting tilted on the rock, and Brooke had real tears and real fear screaming she didn't want to fall in. The older girls were scared too...I felt really bad I didn't get us to avoid this rock. The water was freezing. I had two girls that weren't mine, my daughter, my phone and my camera and I did not want this to be a bad experience for everyone either! I thought quick and said a prayer in my mind. A min. later another canoe started catching up to us and I called them to Brooke's rescue. I asked them to come right up next to us, so that Brooke could transfer into their boat. I knew fully well that her getting out of an already tilted up a rock canoe brought huge chances of us all falling, but Brooke was hysterical. It worked! Brooke got in their canoe just fine, but I had to get  out of the canoe at the same time and stand on a very little portion of the rock slippery wet, and I knew there was a good chance the canoe would be set loose and I would be left standing on a rock boatless...the canoe did start floating away, but I was able to jump into is as it was set free of the rock...

Then my first agenda was to get Brooke back into my boat, because she had transferred into a boat with all first year girls!

I did get Brooke back into my canoe, I learned to steer better, and it ended up being a nice little workout, with a good view, and a good adventurous memory for Brooke!

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