Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sweet Song From Will

I don't think Kevin is as thrilled about dandelions suddenly popping up all over the place in our yard, as Will has been. For the past few days every single time that we pull into our garage and get out of the car, Will runs into the grass super excited and very fast. He gathers as many of these weed flowers that he can before I tell him, " Will, we have to go in the house, " and with excitement in his voice he hands me a couple flowers and says, " Mommy! I got you some flowers!" It's so cute that he wants to be so chivalrous towards me that I exclaim excited back that they are beautiful! I guess I made him think this was more important than helping Daddy, because as Kevin, Brooke and Will were in the front yard for some time, Will ended up running back into the house over and over, and over again with more flowers for me. He felt so good about collecting flowers for me. When I went to join everyone outside I realized that Kevin and Brooke had been pulling weeds with gloves and a bucket, in the proper way, as Will was doing what he thought was his job, to bring Mommy flowers ;)

  Will was teasing the bird a couple afternoons ago and it got to the point that it was about to really not be nice. I explained to Will that the birds feathers aren't clipped, so since she can fly, if he keeps teasing her she might just decide not to live here anymore, and she will just fly out the door next time we leave the house. Will quickly said, " The bird isn't going to fly away Mommy. I already said a prayer that she wouldn't."

Will has become extra sweet lately. He's always been sweet, but lately he is just handing out the hugs and kisses left and right. Will tells Brooke at least twice a day randomly that he loves her, and gives her a hug.
Will has been telling me probably six times a day that he loves me, as well he includes statements like," You smell just like flowers Mommy." Or , " Your hair is silky Mommy, as combs my hair with his little hands, while I read to Brooke."

Maybe Will has been extra sweet due to me finding him in situations like this after I leave him for five min. while I take a shower? Although, these chocolate chips are only semi-sweet...and he has been mega sweet ;)

I have never seen Will agree to clean up a mess so fast in his whole life when I told him if he didn't clean those up right away he'd be grounded from chocolate. Of course he continued sneaking them into his mouth as he picked them up....

A couple nights ago Will did one of the cutest things that I have ever seen or heard in my life!
When I asked Will to say his own personal prayer after our family had said one together, and after I read with him, he explained, " I have to sing a prayer tonight." I did not disagree, if that's what he wants that's good with me because a song is like a prayer as it says in the scriptures. Well this was his song. He changed the notes just like a song and he sounded pretty good :) he sang, " Dear God, you love me, and I love you. You love us all, and you love Grandpa. You gave us Jesus, and Jesus is nice. He loves us. He loves us. You are nice. You love everyone. We love you. " then I interjected and said, " can you say thank you? " So he added in his singing voice, with his eyes closed by the way, " thank you for Jesus, thank you for everyone." Then he ended in a normal voice not singing anymore, " in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. "


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