Saturday, June 28, 2014

Turtle Power!!!

 We decided to have a pool party at our neighborhood pool for Will's fourth birthday a couple weeks ago.

I love to be able to tell my children for their birthday, I will make them any kind of  a cake that they want. After making a cake that was six, eight inch round cakes stacked on top of each other, in order to make Rapunzel's tower, for Brooke when she turned six-years old...I am just not afraid of any request that might be thrown at me.

Of course Will said he wanted Spiderman again this year, but I reminded him that's what he had last year, and then I started giving him ideas with pictures on the internet. It was pretty quick that he was talking all about his Teenage Ninja Turtle swimming birthday...every single day....

I feel like it builds anticipation for the children's birthday to have them help mix the cake before the party.
It adds to the fun for them to watch me ice and decorate the cake too!

Will was just as excited for his birthday party as he was when he was watching me make the cake for his birthday! I left the mouth of the turtle off when it was super late at night and Will kept telling me that Daddy knew how to put the turtle mouth on if I didn't. It's so cute how much confidence that Will has in his Dad.

The next morning when the cake was finished and in my freezer Will probably opened the freezer to " check on the cake " probably fifty-times or so until I told him he had to stop. I was actually very lucky there wasn't a piece bitten out of the cake before the party...when I consider how often he " checked on the cake " before the party.

Will was excited to have pizza delivered to the pool for his party, until he realized that day was the day that he'd actually get to eat this very green frosting...and despite the Ninja Turtles loving pizza, and it  following the theme of this turtle party....Will would not eat pizza...he thought having a green stained mouth was radical enough for him and he'd pass on his dinner that night ;)

Grandma Turano came in for Will's party, and we were so thankful to have her there. We know it must have been so hot for her down at our pool and not in a bathing suit.
She tells Will, " Who loves you?" and someday he will look back at these pictures and know without a doubt, " Grandma loves Will. " 

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