Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fabulous Four's

       If you ask him how old he is he will probably tell you that he is seven-years old. That's what he's been saying for the last year anyways...Just as soon as he caught onto how old Brooke was, three-years was out of the question for him...He was most definitely seven-years old!

                Of course, he might surprise you like he did the woman at the grocery store  register. A few weeks ago we were checking out at a cash register and the woman checking us out asked Will, " How old are you handsome boy?" He said with out any hesitation, " fifty-years old."  She said, " Wow, you look a lot better than I do at fifty years! What's your secret? "

He's finally past the terrible two's and tremendously terrible three's....It for sure has to be fabulous four's that we have to look forward to now....because the terrible times, although can have challenges, weren't terrible at all...

We love him so very much, and we are so thankful to have Will in our family!!!!!

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