Friday, June 13, 2014

Mothers Day 2014

 It was a crazy busy time, but my birthday and Mothers Day, were great this year! Brooke had the idea to make me pancakes and bring them to me in bed that morning. It was so sweet especially because her and Will made the batter with Daddy's help and they made the pancakes in the shapes of flowers! Brooke insisted on buying me Bath And Body works lotion with the money she earned this year! She would not take money from her Dad. She said, "But I want to pay for it myself. Can I do a chore to earn money to buy Mommy's present? " Kevin let her clean his office while he worked the Sat. before my birthday. It was so sweet of Brooke and meant a lot to me! I enjoyed teaching the Gospel Principles lesson on my birthday and Mothers Day, and it is always a treat to have Kevin come listen to my lesson. After church we celebrated Grandma as well as her birthday is May 13th, and it being her Mother's Day too! I felt badly that they cooked for us, and not us for them...but Grandma and Grandpa Pack are always so kind to cook for us on many Sundays.

One of my favorite things about my birthday/ Mothers Day was getting to hear what my kids thought of me.
There is nothing as important to me as my family. I pray everyday to be the mother that I need to be in order to raise my children into individuals that can serve God at a high capacity, and love him with all their hearts, the way that I do...seeking first the kingdom of God among all other life goals....

Here is what my amazingly sweet children said about me:

Brooke said about me:

 "My favorite memories of my Mom are when we read scriptures together, and once she was reading the kingdom of heaven, but she actually said the kingdom of Kevin! We laughed about that, and my Dad liked that scripture when I told it to him! "

" If I could give my Mom any present in the world I would give her love, and make her happy by being nice."

" The thing that my Mom is best at is loving me."

" Special things that my Mom does for me are when she sings to me, reads to me, and cares for me."

Here is what Will had to say about me:

My Mom's name is ___Mommy____, but my Dad calls her ___Emily____.
She is _____7_____years old, and is as pretty as ____cotton candy _____.
My Mom is the best at making ____chocolate____.  She really loves____Will_____.
If I had a ton of money,  I would buy her ____more of Daddy's shirts______.
If my Mom were an animal, she would be a _____snake_____. Something that my Mom says to me is___
____clean up_____. I wouldn't trade her for all the ____toys___ in the world.

                                                                                                         Will Turano

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