Saturday, June 20, 2015

Aunt Doreen

We celebrated the beginning of summer with a visit to Kansas City, MO where the Turano side of the family lives. We were so glad to go visit as we often miss out on so many family functions that the Turano's do together.

Aunt Doreen, ( Daddy's sister ) has been suffering from Breast Cancer. She is so strong through the recent loss of her father, her mother's diagnosis with Breast Cancer and treatments, only to follow  her own Breast Cancer diagnosis and treatments. Not to mention that she is on her own, as her husband of her two daughters passed away when they were just babies themselves.

Aunt Doreen is such a loving and nurturing individual. This is one reason that she is a nurse. Aunt Doreen lives in pain from her back, and now her recent double mastectomy, and yet, she is always thinking of how she can help others feel better.

Will has really bad eczema.

She gave Will quite the massages while we were visiting. Aunt Doreen makes her own home-made lotion straight from Aloe Vera,( in it's most natural state ) and other ingredients she orders in the raw online.

Will could have sat there all day getting a massage from his special aunt. Slowly more and more of Will's clothes started coming off as she asked, " Are you still itchy? "

Doreen is always very sympathetic to Will's eczema and she hates that he is itching all of the time.

We love you Aunt Doreen! And thank you Grandma Turano for raising such a strong and caring daughter.

                                   Aunt Doreen gave Will a toy that she remembered playing with his Dad when they were young. It brought back memories for Doreen and Kevin ;)

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