Tuesday, June 9, 2015

How We got Our Bunny Back

My Mother's Day this year started out terrible.

It was the day that we lost our bunny. It had been pouring down rain since 4 am..........

Except on the nights that it stormed, the bunny had been sleeping outside in the children's playhouse.

If you know me, you know that I can sleep through anything. I don't take any sleeping medication, yet I will literally sleep through my house alarm going off , and Kevin banging outside my bedroom window as he returns home from being out with friends.

I did mumble something to the effect of, " Kevin, we have to go get the bunny. " As the thunder surprisingly awoke me, but I didn't stay awake long enough to follow through.

In the morning, the bunny was gone and the house was full of little children tears and sadness. Not a good Mother's Day surprise...

If you know me, you know that I do not easily give up on things. I don't even give up on things when I probably should........

I did not care that I was still in my pajamas, or that I was getting soaking wet, I looked for that bunny outside, in pouring down rain for at least an hour and a half. Kevin helped me for a good portion of that time.

The neighbors must have thought we were very strange as Kevin carried a big fishing net, up to the gardens of their houses and pushed away the bushes to take a peek inside.

We would be chasing a bunny, only to look a few feet over and see another bunny, that suddenly looked more like ours than the first one that we were chasing.

We chased no less than ten bunnies that morning. After all, the reason we bought the bunny, is because Kevin couldn't catch the wild ones in our yard.

We ended our bunny hunt by telling Brooke that our bunny must have wanted a family, so she left us.

Brooke as mature as she is came to the point that she decided if the bunny wasn't happy with us, she didn't want to keep her anyways...

Well.....I guess I am more immature and selfish than Brooke, because I didn't handle it quite as nicely as she did. For the next two weeks I suddenly became a bunny crazy...I was seeing bunnies everywhere! I would pull my car over at the site of a rabbit in someone's yard and I would stare long and hard. The neighbors were probably wondering why I was staring at the front of their house.

I literally was looking for rabbits in my neighborhood by foot and in my car, multiple times a day from Mother's Day on....

Every time that I would come home from dropping someone off, I would see a bunny in a bush and literally get out of my car and chase it down...only to realize again that I was not going to find or catch our bunny...and was it even our bunny, I didn't know? But one thing was for certain...

I have troubles giving up sometimes ;)

Two weeks after Mother's Day Kevin got a call from his good friend across the street. Ryan said, " So, is your bunny still missing? I found a bunny in my garage and I picked it right up. I took it out of town with me and my kids. The kids have been holding it. It's been licking them, We have been feeding it by hand, and suddenly it dawned on me that this bunny is not wild and this was not normal. Is this your bunny? "

Kevin said, " Duh! I have been trying to catch bunnies for weeks that are wild and you can't just pick them up! That is our bunny! "

His friend said, " Well, do you still want it? Because my Kids like this bunny."

What I proceeded to do was unlike me, as I did not straight away give others exactly what they want....

I told Kevin, " That's my bunny! I have been searching the whole neighborhood daily for it! Please let me get it back. This is a bunny miracle and a gift!"

Kevin told his friend that Brooke and Will needed their bunny back ;)

It was a great reunion, and this bunny is not a normal bunny....It's special...Kevin claims it might be mentally "special " too????

Bunny lets the kids treat it like a doll!

We are taking extra precautions...we have a leash for it now...

Kevin and Will  built it a cage.....

Kevin and I quickly realized that day that we had chased all those bunnies...we weren't even close to chasing ours...Ours would have hidden and will let you pick it straight up. She also never would have made it to well in the wild. She is afraid to jump off the couch as you set her on it! She hesitates and acts scared!

 Will builds a house for the bunny with blocks. The bunny sits wherever he puts it!!!!

 Brooke feeds the bunny from a bottle often. Why play dolls when you can play with a baby bunny and really feed it! ;) She loves to drink apple juice ;)

                           Bunny doesn't mind outfit changes...she sits patiently in Brooke's lap.

Sorry American Dolls....Bunny has taken your bed, closet and clothes! The other day I found Brooke and her friend in Brooke's room with a sign at the door that said, " Bunny Fashion Show "

This is what the " Bunny Fashion Show " looked like..............

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