Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fearless Five and Fun!

Fast, full of energy, almost frighteningly smart....Will is finally five-years old!

            Will had his long awaited birthday this past Tuesday. Although Will has received many gifts from the Turano's at his pre-party; Grandma and Grandpa Pack  at his day of  celebration party; he hasn't had enough! He will have his grande finale with friends this coming Saturday, for his last five-year old birthday party......

             Will gave me a gift this night that I hope to never forget. 

 Will said, " Mommy, I am really excited for my next birthday party with my friends, because I am going to get more toys!" 

I said, " But Will, aren't you happy with the toys Grandma and Grandpa Pack gave you already? You don't need to have more to be happy. " 

Will responded, " I am happy about my toys here." 

I said, " Good, you should be so happy you got so many new toys!" 

Will was silent for a few moments while he climbed on my lap with his toothbrush that he had prepared for me to help brush his teeth. He  sat for a moment just thinking.....

His silence broke and Will said, " Even ways, I am happiest about our family."

What a sweet little son my Will is. I was beaming to hear the feelings of his heart that his family is what makes him happiest, and then only a few minutes later in Will's and my separate scripture study- just him and I....Will bore his testimony to me. 

Will said, " Mommy, I love all the prophets in the scriptures, but I love God the most. " 

I responded, " I am so thankful that you know that God is the one who leads the prophets."

Will wasn't finished...He said, " I just wish that I could touch the real golden plates someday." 

I was so pleased, all I could think was, " well, maybe someday Will can? "

So, I said exactly what I thought..." Maybe you can someday? " 

Then Will quickly corrected me as he said, " I can't touch the plates because they are the scriptures now Mommy." 

I said, " I know, you are right." 

He said, " There was only one golden plates, and it's gone because we needed lots of scriptures." 

I have told him this at least a year ago! I just couldn't believe he remembered and how deeply he took it to heart. 
                          Happy Birthday to my son whom lastly told me this night....

That he " loves the scriptures! " and that his favorite song is, " Nephi was commanded to build a boat." 

             Will....I am so glad that you enjoy all the joys of my heart that I am so thankful that I can give you.

It pleases my soul that you also receive joy and comfort in the peace that the spirit brings as we study and ponder the scriptures and our God whom is also our Father. 

Will loves to go fishing at our neighborhood lake! The fun thing about fishing on our dock is that the fish practically swim up to you when you throw bread in the water!

                               Catching turtles in our neighborhood lake is not abnormal at all! 

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