Sunday, June 28, 2015

Grand Finale Fifth Birthday Party

Will had a great fifth birthday party at Jump Street. He invited a couple of his friends from his pre-school class, Grandma and Grandpa Pack, Brooke's friend across the street that he also considers his friend ( Natalie ) and Austin and Alaina, some friends that he has regular play-dates with.

The most sweet  thing about Will's party was when he and I made his ice-cream cake. Will requested my signature ice-cream cake yet again, only this time we sprayed it red and made blue frosting for the Spider-Man theme. The entire time that we made his cake ( mostly me ) , he told me about a birthday party that he was going to throw for my next birthday. He even started planning games, and asked me who I wanted to invite. He said, " Since you love books, your party will be you and your friends seeing who can stare at the wall longest...whoever wins...gets the prize of a book!"

The most sad thing about Will's party was when this cake that he and I made, melted on our way to the party place.

I guess we forgot we were in Texas, even though I remind Will everyday as he says, " I am soaking wet " , that it is because we live in Texas...

The whole way to the jump place, I kept telling Kevin to speed up his driving. Will sadly said, " Mommy, we can't go faster or we will go to jail and I can't have my birthday party in jail. "

                      Susan Welch is a newer, but wonderful and special friend of mine :) Will just loves to play with her son Austin, and daugther Alaina...

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