Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fourth Grade

Brooke has entered the Fourth Grade and her last year in elementry school! Although it is hard to believe it seems so natural for Brooke to just cruise quickly through school because at school Brooke is in her element. Brooke is a model student and every year her teachers adore her.

This year Brooke is blessed because she is practically in her own private school since she is in the Gifted and Talented Program there are only 14 children in her class, on top of that 6 of those 14 children go to our church! Another testament to the way living the gospel brings so many blessings and peace.

At the end of the first week of school I recieved a voice mail from Brooke's teacher. This is what she said :

" I was giving you a call to brag on Brooke. She is amazing young lady. She is so sweet, so polite , so kind to her classmates and just so respectful to me. I feel blessed to have her in my class this year and I look forward to a great year with her in my class. "

I loved to see Brooke's huge surprised smile as she listened to the voicemail. At first I was sad that I had missed the call but then I realized it was great because Brooke was able to listen to the message and share it so proudly with her Daddy.

Brooke made a thank you card for her teacher for the message that she left me.

We are in awe at the special daughter that God has allowed us to help raise here on earth.

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