Monday, September 21, 2015

My Princess Brooke

As I was putting Brooke to bed tonight she said, " Mom, I don't want to grow up." What raced through my mind was- Maybe I am scaring her because I have so much work to do all the time? Maybe she has recognized the precious time children have with out adult stresses? I said, " Why don't you want to grow up Brooke? " She said, " Because Jesus loves children more than adults." I said, " Oh Brooke, He loves adults too, children are just such good examples to us adults of how we should be so He teaches us that in scriptures." She said, " I think He still loves the children the most." She may be right? But, since she loves Him so much, I am sure she will want to give Him something that He loves- more children through her providing their spirits mortal bodies and a home that they can be loved and nurtured in until they can return to Him.

I love that Brooke still puts her stuffed animals to bed with her. She notices when even one of the tons of stuffed animals is missing.

                Brooke has been sleeping the a stuffed bunny that was very special to me as a little girl and even now as an adult. My Dad brought me home this stuffed bunny when he was out of town in Kansas City, Kansas. I was about six-years old and I slept with it every single night until I was married. I wiped my tears on the ears of that bunny and held it tightly. Now my daughter holds it safe for me :)

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