Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Will's walking with love

Will enjoyed a cool morning a few days ago. He loves taking the bunny out on his leash. Having a bunny has been so fun for Will because bunny doesn't run away from him like Juma does. 

Will has been saying some unforgettable and adorable things lately. I was very impressed by Will's compassion as we were driving home from church this past Sunday. We saw the remnants of a wreck with the last called ambulances and firetrucks speeding past us to help those that were hurt. Will said to Brooke and I as they went past, " Mommy, we should say a prayer for those people to not be hurt." I told Will that was exactly the right thing to do, and that is just what he did following my statement.
I know Will must have felt the spirit at church and the love that God has for everyone.

A few days ago Will looked at his cup of milk and said, " This is gross. I am drinking cow pee, aren't I? " I could not help but laugh loud and say, " Why do you think your milk is cow pee? " He said, " Because the milk comes from the cows, like they are peeing!" I said, " It's not the cow's pee that you are drinking, but milk that the cow's body made. " He said, " What did the cow make the milk with? Does he drink milk too? " I said, " No, he makes the milk out of the hay and food that he eats." Wills said, " Oh gross! So I am eating compost pile food? " I said, " Why compost pile food? " He responded, " The food in the cow's belly is all chewed up and rotten. So we are drinking compost pile!"

My heart about melted as I was putting Will to bed one night. I was cleaning up some toys on the floor and Will said, " Mommy....You are being like God right now." I said, " Why? " He said, " Because you are being nice. You are a lot like God because you are always nice Mommy."  I was most thankful that Will recognized that service and love is what God is all about and I was shocked that Will could relate my actions to God's.

I was getting frustrated at Will a few weeks ago as he was in the car and we were ready to go to church yet he suddenly jumped out and said loudly in despair, " I forgot something!" It was too late for me to stop him. Will was running full speed into the house. As I was about to reprimand him for him making us behind schedule Will held out his little hand filled to the max with coins and said, " I almost forgot my tithing that I wanted to give to the " Bush up " so that he could get food for the poor people." I said not a word, but simmered quietly in joy with a response that he is such a good boy.

As we went into the church building Brooke and Will got tithing slips and Brooke helped Will fill out the tithing slip. I laughed when I received a text message from a member of the Bishopric that said that Will's tithing slip indicated that he paid twenty more cents than he actually did, but that he would personally add the twenty cents in order that Will's record could be accurate.

You would think that Will's acts of love and service would be over by now...or that I could not possibly have more to document about this...But, Will just gets more and more loving each day.

I had a friend tell me that the Klondike ice cream packs were on sale for a dollar at the store. Upon Will hearing this he said to me, " Mommy, I have a dollar at home! I can get some ice cream!"
He was so excited! Then, soberly Will looked at me and said, " Actually, I was going to give that dollar to the Bishop to buy food for the poor people, so we don't need to get the ice cream."

I said, " You sweet Will, I am going to buy you ice cream okay? " Will got a huge smile on his face....

Later in the week we were driving in the car and randomly Will said, " Mommy, why do we have to give the money to the " Bush up " to get food for the poor people? Why can't we just give the poor people food ourselves? "

I don't think I have ever been happy to see a person begging for money on the side of the street like I was when a few days later we had the chance to fulfill Will's charitable desires. As a man had a sign in a Target parking lot that said, " I need food for my family." We went through a drive through window and got him some food, and I let Will give it to him.

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