Monday, September 21, 2015

Took me eleven years, but I finally made it there!

For eleven- years  I have been going to Independence, MO for quick visits. When I visit KC, MO to see the Turano side of the family I am just along for the ride. Kevin gets pulled in every direction with many friends there, business to do, and family to see. I do not want to add to his stress since I know that his desires to please so many people can be overwhelming for him.

About a month ago we went along with Kevin ( spontaneously ) on a business trip to MO. We stayed at his friend Major's house - whom happens to live in Independence where much of the land is owned by the church. When I was told that the kids and I just needed to hang out for hours while Kevin and Major would be in meetings....I knew exactly what I had been wanting to do in Missouri for so many years, but I had not yet done it.

Finally we made it to the church sites!!!!

Brooke, Will and I went to see the visitor center in Independence and Liberty Jail in Liberty, MO.

I could not believe I had been going annually to such sacred ground, with historical meaning to the things that I hold most dear in my heart and I had never slipped away to treasure my blessing and honor those whom sacrificed in Independence.

                                   Brooke told me a few nights ago that her favorite story in the Book of Mormon was about " Helaman's Young Warriors ". When I asked her why she said, " Because I want to be that kind of a Mom someday that can teach my children and they will remember."

I am so thankful that Brooke things about being a Mother even now. She will be an amazing and righteous Mother, I have no doubt about that.

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