Saturday, September 12, 2015

On Fire For School

 Will was so excited to go back to school! The first thing that Will did on his first day of school this year was try to get his church clothes on!!!

I thought maybe I should let him wear them? It was going to be very hot that day, and all I could imagine was Will wearing those black dress pants and dress shirt grumpy as he does when he is hot with the words, " I am soaking wet!" in sadness.

He did get over the fact that I wouldn't let him wear his church clothes pretty quickly after I reminded him that Grandma Pack had gotten him his awesome new Spider Man shoes that light up in the eyes when he walks.

So - the outfit I had planned for him was set aside and we did a red and blue Spider Man theme as we met in the middle - Will and I....

I felt justified a few days later when Will asked me if his Abuelita ( Grandma from Guatemala ) lives on the same earth as us?  I was explaining she lived far away when he posed this question. After I told Will it was another country that she lived in, but not another planet, he responded to me, " Well, Abuelita probably doesn't live on a fire part of the earth like we do then, does she? " I said, " fire part ? " trying to understand. Will said, " Well our country is like fire because it is so hot all time. I think we have fire colors all over our country."

It has been really hot here lately, so I don't blame Will's accusation, but he also may have a thing against all things hot because as we pulled up to Chili's the other day Will said, " I do not want to eat Chili's for dinner! They are burning hot! " We reminded him that he didn't have to have Chili's for dinner just because we ate at the restaurant called Chilis' ;)

You make us laugh and keep us very entertained Will. I am so glad that I have one more year with you before you go to Kindergarten. You are the most handsome five-year old boy that I have ever seen, but your sweet heart, smart mind and perspective is most admirable about you.

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