Saturday, September 26, 2015

Trapped in Texas

                 When Kevin was passing through Texas in 99' he got stuck! Texas has Kevin trapped! Although I know that Kevin actually loves Texas, I am not so sure that he planned on raising his kids here when he was just planning to pass through.

              Kevin ended up starting his company in Texas, and I wont forget that he has told me on occasion that the best thing about starting his company was that he met me. Since that is where I met him, as his employee.........

                              When we were in Austin we went to visit the Texas Capital building.

                  We love being Texans!!!!!!!! Everything really is bigger and better in Texas, no joke....

                   Grandma Pack and Brooke totally belong in Texas because they are so awesome!


                  Grandpa Pack showed Will the cannons that Will recognized as a pirates weapon!


           Look close at Will's face...He is  visualizing how it would have been to use this and truly imagining it!

                             Brooke and Will took a breather on the bench from all the excitement....

                                     Will thought the architecture was pretty amazing too!

              The line was a bit long to get into the Capital building and we did have to go through security.

                                                    Grandma and Grandpa always treat their Grandchildren to the most fun activities and treating Will and Brooke to ice cream is almost a bi-weekly thing for the Pack and Turano trio.....

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