Friday, October 30, 2015

Analyzing as a five-year old

Will had so much fun at his pre-school Halloween party! I am not sure what Will and his fellow super hero friend were discussing while in line to hit the pinata, but I know what kind of Star Wars discussion that Will has been having with me! Likely if Will talks to his friends the way he does me...he will be leaving them scratching their heads since Will is advanced in his ways of analyzing the world around him.

Will said to me the other day, " Mommy, I think Darth Vader wanted to repent." I said, " Why do you think that? What are you talking about? " He replied, " I think Darth Vader was really meaning to repent when he took off his helmet and said he was his father."

Will clearly is trying to connect the things that he is learning to the things that he thinks about! As we were buying his Halloween costume he kept telling me, " I want to be Star " Bers " ( that's how he says it) but I don't want to be a bad guy."

Maybe the reason Will decided it would be okay to be a Shock Trooper was because he decided that Darth Vader had repented? I don't even know what a Shock Trooper is, so as Will kept asking is this guy good or bad when we were shopping for a costume, I just had to tell him I don't know? We asked the sales associates as well, and they didn't know either!

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