Monday, October 26, 2015

Soaring Eagle Award - Encourage

                                       In all honesty I think the excitement about being chosen as a Soaring Eagle at school has worn off for Brooke. Brooke likes to do hard things and the Soaring Eagle Award has changed to two students per class each time they award the children for a special characteristic trait every semester.

I congratulated Brooke and was very proud of her for being chosen for the Soaring Eagle last week, under the characteristic trait of " ENCOURAGE ", but her comment was, " Now that they award so many students it isn't really special or a big deal to be chosen."

I told her that I was still proud of her for always being first every year to be chosen as a Soaring Eagle and that it is true that she encourages people around her all the time to be happy, to work harder, and gives them support.

                              I thought maybe Brooke might feel special about her good character if I snuck her away to go get donuts after the assembly, ( since she has p.e. first thing in the morning ) and then we did her favorite thing- we went to half price books and bought her some books.

This Brooke can not get her face out a book! She even made the comment the other day that she doesn't know how she would live with out books because they are part of what makes her her!

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