Monday, October 26, 2015

Leading By Example

Every six months Brooke actually gets excited for General Conference! When she hears it is coming she will get a huge smile on her face and jump up and down. This year I was very careful to let her make her own choice with out influence about whether or not she would watch the Sat. session of conference and miss her soccer game. 

One wonderful thing about Brooke is that she is a leader and not a follower. Brooke is always leading others to do what is right. Brooke did not hesitate at all when her Dad asked her if she wanted to go play her soccer game on the Sat. morning of Oct.2015 General Conference.  I added to his question that comment that she could watch what she missed later because Grandma and Grandpa record it and it would be available online. 

Brooke said, " I want to watch conference and miss my game." No hesitation whatsoever. 

A couple hours later - I was not surprised that as we watched conference that Sat. morning- Brooke took the most amazing notes that a nine-year old could take. 

Here are a couple lines from her notes:

Richard Maynes - The healing of our hearts begins when we submit ourselves to God. When we open our heart to him, he will take us in. 

-That does not mean it will all work out now, but someday both negative and positive will all work out. 

 - Because we love God we want to help others. If we walk this path we will have a better eternity.    
 ( Be nice ) 

- We don't need to be more of anything. God will take us as we are. God can see a poor farmer as a king. The Savior saves us. Exaltation is our goal. Discipleship is our journey. 

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