Monday, October 5, 2015

Austin Aquarium

While we were in Austin, Texas we accidentally went to the most fun aquarium that we have ever been too! Grandpa Pack, Will and Brooke are amazed at the octopus here! Will loves octopuses so to see one with long tentacles was awesome for him! Will was literally jumping up and down in excitement, no joke!

                                             Emily, Brooke and Grandma Pack ( Vilma )

                                                   Wind up speed of 76.8 and higher was a lot louder and stronger than Will and Brooke imagined! Thank goodness they weren't in a real hurricane- just a hurricane simulator.

Will was posing as a pirate himself!

                                                       Will and his favorite sea creature!

         Kevin just started picking things up out of their aquariums - He is super fun to go to zoos with ;)

                  Brooke was lucky this macaw didn't climb right on her. This was a friendly Macaw.

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