Thursday, January 16, 2020

Independence, Missouri Visitor Center

 When in Independence, Missouri for New Years this year, Brooke, Will, and I went to the church visitor center as Kevin was visiting friends.

We felt the blessing that the early saints gave us in their testimonies recorded in that part of the land. Land marked which we knew is considered sacred to our progenitors, still today.

I wonder if the pioneers seeing the beautiful Christus and visitor center,
Know or feel the magnitude of blessings they left us through their example of enduring weather, persecution, and death...
Though they were driven out of the very place we stood, we stood in that place they were driven from more grounded, and never driven from The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, because of their examples and the spirit that we felt as we heard the message that Jesus will come back and to that spot.

Brooke was excited to find an Estonian Book of Mormon and Will asked me if he could get a Book of Mormon in Spanish since he wants to go on a mission to Mexico.

A map worth millions

YOU are such a thoughtful and amazing daughter. A couple days ago you surprised me with a Bible Map that you ordered on Amazon for me, with your own babysitting money. You brought it to me and said, " I know you like to study these kinds of things so I found this for you. "
The map shows where the events written in the Bible took place and what they are called now. We looked at it for a few min. Together and I felt so blessed you know what I really find to be interesting and important. More than knowing historical settings however, is knowing that I have a daughter like you that recognizes my love for our Savior and also shows the kind of love that He did through sacrifice, like He did.

I love you my Princess Brooke,


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jesus's Birthday Party

Normally Brooke and I bake a cake for Jesus on what we call " Jesus's birthday party " to take the commercial out of Christmas, but this year we were at the Gaylord the day before so we opted to decorate.

I think there was still a great act of service in thinking about what each other would like to be given, but on Brooke's part this was even more giving than normal, as Brooke bought all her gifts to us as her brother on her own!!! Brooke is in high demand as the chosen ward babysitter that many families use.

The sweet thing about Brooke's gifts was that I didn't expect her to pay for her brothers or Dad's gifts, but she chose to do that which came from her heart as hard-work.

Brooke ordered a green case for her old phone and a green turtle decal for her old phone and gave it to Will!
Brooke knew I was sad that Waffles ate my old slippers, so she bought me new ones...

Foundations of Faith For Will

    I was so proud of you today! With church time changing to an early 9 a.m. you didn't eat as much as you wanted out the door in a rush and all during sacrament you kept telling me you were hungry. Sometimes I really wanted to hear a talk and had to tell you " Shhh, I am trying to listen " , and you did stop talking. It was so obvious to me that you were uncomforably hungry that I told you after sacrament okay, lets rush home and get you an Ensure and I will bring you straight back to class. You looked at me and said, " No, I will be okay to go to class and eat after church."

You wanted to stay for class despite feeling so hungry and I don't know if there are very many little nine-year old boys who would have turned down the offer to leave class for a min. When they were uncomfortable.

This again shows me how much you believe in The Restored Gospel with prophets and apostles, ordinances, and temples.

Brooke had a meeting after church but I rushed you home and went back for her because I knew you were trying to do good!

I hope when you are older you can look back at your precious nine-year old testimony as you read this and feel inspired by YOURSELF! Because you inspire me to teach you these things and to do what will bless you the most, daily.

Thank you for your faith and random declarations of love for me as you often come hold my hand and say, " I love you Mom. "

I love you Will.

Will's wisdom and Christmas Surprise

You didn't believe in Santa this year, but I am not sad about that at all, because though the days of leaving carrots outside for reindeer with my little boy on Christmas Eve are over, your belief in The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is strong.

Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa Pack'shouse was wonderful this year. Being cozy in Grandma and Grandpa's room because of Grandpa's back surgery was memorable because it was a little gathering of us Dallas Pack locals and we wouldn't have been happy not being by Grandpa's side on a Christmas in bed. Grandma Pack knows the best toys to purchase you! You were thrilled at the surprise mega nurf gun she knew you'd like.

A few days ago our Prophet asked us all to ponder The Book of Mormon and how our lives would be different if we didn't have the knowledge of The Book of Mormon? I asked you to ponder this question from President Nelson that he sent in email.

I know your belief and understanding about what you are learning is strong because you told me after I asked you to ponder, " Because of The Book of Mormon I know that I can't just pray for things I want, but to pray for other people, and I know that you don't get what you pray for right away, and sometimes it takes a really long time."

I was a little bit shocked at the wisdom that came out of your mouth, though I shouldn't be because we have been reading about how Lehi and Nephi prayed for the Lamanites; but it was a true blessing to see your spiritual wisdom and appreciation for what we read and discuss.

Believing in Santa just isn't as wise as you are my little prince.

Love, your Mom

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Real Christmas sweets

The highlights of the Christmas season are always when what we did was truly linked to the reason that we celebrate Christmas.

This year the best thing that Brooke did was on her own accord, decided to give all of the Beehives a hand written card of thanks for what they bring to their class. Brooke also asked me if I could take her to the girl in her classes house whom is completely inactive, but Brooke remembered that I had visited her Mom a couple times. Brooke spent time giving this young women a gift and let her know how much they wanted to get to know her. I didn't tell Brooke that she should do this, so I was so happy to see her genuine love for the girls in her class.

Another special moment this Christmas season was when we went to the Gaylord for the night as Will opened the drawer and saw The Book of Mormon in it, as it's a Marriot hotel. Will was so excited to see The Book of Mormon and said, " Mom! We should read out of this exact Book of Mormon tonight, so that what that owner put here can be used."
Not only was it sweet that Will was thrilled to see The Book of Mormon in such a fun filled , exciting place, but it was sweet that he saw the effort of the owner of Marriot putting The Book of Mormon there as a testimony and Will didn't want that testimony to go in vain.

Will collects penguin and loves them, so he chose this at the Gaylord.