Sunday, January 12, 2020

Foundations of Faith For Will

    I was so proud of you today! With church time changing to an early 9 a.m. you didn't eat as much as you wanted out the door in a rush and all during sacrament you kept telling me you were hungry. Sometimes I really wanted to hear a talk and had to tell you " Shhh, I am trying to listen " , and you did stop talking. It was so obvious to me that you were uncomforably hungry that I told you after sacrament okay, lets rush home and get you an Ensure and I will bring you straight back to class. You looked at me and said, " No, I will be okay to go to class and eat after church."

You wanted to stay for class despite feeling so hungry and I don't know if there are very many little nine-year old boys who would have turned down the offer to leave class for a min. When they were uncomfortable.

This again shows me how much you believe in The Restored Gospel with prophets and apostles, ordinances, and temples.

Brooke had a meeting after church but I rushed you home and went back for her because I knew you were trying to do good!

I hope when you are older you can look back at your precious nine-year old testimony as you read this and feel inspired by YOURSELF! Because you inspire me to teach you these things and to do what will bless you the most, daily.

Thank you for your faith and random declarations of love for me as you often come hold my hand and say, " I love you Mom. "

I love you Will.

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