Sunday, January 5, 2020

Real Christmas sweets

The highlights of the Christmas season are always when what we did was truly linked to the reason that we celebrate Christmas.

This year the best thing that Brooke did was on her own accord, decided to give all of the Beehives a hand written card of thanks for what they bring to their class. Brooke also asked me if I could take her to the girl in her classes house whom is completely inactive, but Brooke remembered that I had visited her Mom a couple times. Brooke spent time giving this young women a gift and let her know how much they wanted to get to know her. I didn't tell Brooke that she should do this, so I was so happy to see her genuine love for the girls in her class.

Another special moment this Christmas season was when we went to the Gaylord for the night as Will opened the drawer and saw The Book of Mormon in it, as it's a Marriot hotel. Will was so excited to see The Book of Mormon and said, " Mom! We should read out of this exact Book of Mormon tonight, so that what that owner put here can be used."
Not only was it sweet that Will was thrilled to see The Book of Mormon in such a fun filled , exciting place, but it was sweet that he saw the effort of the owner of Marriot putting The Book of Mormon there as a testimony and Will didn't want that testimony to go in vain.

Will collects penguin and loves them, so he chose this at the Gaylord.

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