Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jesus's Birthday Party

Normally Brooke and I bake a cake for Jesus on what we call " Jesus's birthday party " to take the commercial out of Christmas, but this year we were at the Gaylord the day before so we opted to decorate.

I think there was still a great act of service in thinking about what each other would like to be given, but on Brooke's part this was even more giving than normal, as Brooke bought all her gifts to us as her brother on her own!!! Brooke is in high demand as the chosen ward babysitter that many families use.

The sweet thing about Brooke's gifts was that I didn't expect her to pay for her brothers or Dad's gifts, but she chose to do that which came from her heart as hard-work.

Brooke ordered a green case for her old phone and a green turtle decal for her old phone and gave it to Will!
Brooke knew I was sad that Waffles ate my old slippers, so she bought me new ones...

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