Sunday, January 12, 2020

Will's wisdom and Christmas Surprise

You didn't believe in Santa this year, but I am not sad about that at all, because though the days of leaving carrots outside for reindeer with my little boy on Christmas Eve are over, your belief in The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is strong.

Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa Pack'shouse was wonderful this year. Being cozy in Grandma and Grandpa's room because of Grandpa's back surgery was memorable because it was a little gathering of us Dallas Pack locals and we wouldn't have been happy not being by Grandpa's side on a Christmas in bed. Grandma Pack knows the best toys to purchase you! You were thrilled at the surprise mega nurf gun she knew you'd like.

A few days ago our Prophet asked us all to ponder The Book of Mormon and how our lives would be different if we didn't have the knowledge of The Book of Mormon? I asked you to ponder this question from President Nelson that he sent in email.

I know your belief and understanding about what you are learning is strong because you told me after I asked you to ponder, " Because of The Book of Mormon I know that I can't just pray for things I want, but to pray for other people, and I know that you don't get what you pray for right away, and sometimes it takes a really long time."

I was a little bit shocked at the wisdom that came out of your mouth, though I shouldn't be because we have been reading about how Lehi and Nephi prayed for the Lamanites; but it was a true blessing to see your spiritual wisdom and appreciation for what we read and discuss.

Believing in Santa just isn't as wise as you are my little prince.

Love, your Mom

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