Thursday, January 16, 2020

Independence, Missouri Visitor Center

 When in Independence, Missouri for New Years this year, Brooke, Will, and I went to the church visitor center as Kevin was visiting friends.

We felt the blessing that the early saints gave us in their testimonies recorded in that part of the land. Land marked which we knew is considered sacred to our progenitors, still today.

I wonder if the pioneers seeing the beautiful Christus and visitor center,
Know or feel the magnitude of blessings they left us through their example of enduring weather, persecution, and death...
Though they were driven out of the very place we stood, we stood in that place they were driven from more grounded, and never driven from The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, because of their examples and the spirit that we felt as we heard the message that Jesus will come back and to that spot.

Brooke was excited to find an Estonian Book of Mormon and Will asked me if he could get a Book of Mormon in Spanish since he wants to go on a mission to Mexico.

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