Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pioneer Day

July 24th, 1847 is a special date not only to our family, but also to the whole state of Utah. The reason this date holds importance to us, is because this is the day that commemorates my great, great, great Grandfather John Pack entering the valley that, would become Salt Lake City. John was a member of the Navoo Legion, ( the first of all companies to enter ) holding the rank of Captain, he lead a company of fifty into the valley that day, along with Brigham Young. John and his family traveled by foot, pushing hand cart, from Kirkland Ohio, Independence Missouri , Navoo Illinois and finally, on this day of deliverance, John faithfully brought the Saints in to this dessert, that no one would desire to claim, yet later, the whole world would flood into, for the 2002 Winter Olympics. If he could have only seen the day. John was an astounding man, with many accomplishments to mention. After settling his family in the valley, John served a mission in New Jersey with Ezra Taft Benson in 1849 to 1852. Later he served with John Taylor, as one of the first missionaries in France. In 1860 John and his son Ward Eaton Pack, build the first saw mill in Kamas Territory. In the Redoubtable John Pack , a book written about John, we learn of his love for learning, and how he offered his home to be the first class room for the University of Dessert, which would later be named The University of Utah. Near the University in down town Salt Lake there is a stone that marks the place where John Pack's house originally was. The plate on the stone respectfully states his name and thanks for what he did to found this University. John Pack is featured on the " This is the Place " monument in Heritage Park. There is also a replica of John Pack's house for tourists to visit.

Our family gathered together last week, and I showed Brooke the two-hundred and thirty two page book that was written about my great great great Grandfather. I told the story of how diligent, faithful, and charitable her great, great, great, great Grandfather was. How brave he was when mobs came to him and asked him to deny The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They asked him to say that Joseph Smith was a fraud. I so proudly, told her, that with faith, and boldness John declared, he would never do such a thing, even as they threatened his life.

Our discussion ended with my home-made bread ( thanks to Amanda for teaching me this past fall ) and a story by candle light, after explaining that these pioneers did not have light bulbs and all the luxuries that we have. I still think Brooke is confused about this great, great, great talk, because she kept referring to John as my grandpa. She will understand one day, as she visits these monuments dedicated to him.

           John’s image is visible on the south side of the monument (see above). He is on the far right.
I feel overwhelmed with respect for the great deal of trials that came to John Pack and his family on their journey to Salt Lake. I will forever be indebted to him for his sacrifices that brought me and many others to that knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ, and all that his Gospel brings into our lives.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dollie and Me

Three years ago Kevin and I were at a Entrepreneur Organization meeting with a friend of ours, who is the president of the organization here in Dallas. The topic of that evening happened to be "Teaching your Children Responsibility". They served a nice dinner, while we listened to a wife and husband speak on the topic. Richard and Linda Eyre have written many books to help parents raise children with values and responsibility. A few years after having heard them speak, Kevin ordered their "Responsibility" book, for us to teach from. Kudos to Kevin for doing this, also nice that the authors are Mormon. Kevin has been giving lessons from their book, this summer.

Brooke has had the chance to earn money this summer by helping me clean, taking care of Grandma's plants, and kitty ( while she was in Alaska visiting Amy's family) , and the Lemonade Stand. While school clothes shopping for Brooke,  Brooke fell in love with this doll that has a whole line of matching clothes for the doll, called " Dollie and Me. " I reminded her at the store that she could use her money to buy the doll. She had been holding out many times at the store, when I mentioned this before, until she saw this doll. Grandma got her an outfit, and I got some pj's. Brooke is having so much with her new doll. She carries it everywhere, and gives her doll naps, feeds her and sleeps with her, along side Melody. This is very cute, because Brooke has never been like this with a doll.

Grandma Pack and I took Brooke and her doll to a new cupcake shop for a treat. It was so cute. Brooke keeps telling me that her doll is special to her, and she chose that one, even when Grandma and I wanted her to get the blond doll. She has said multiple times, " I know I would take better care of this one, because it is the one that I really wanted to get." I tell her, " That is so good that you did that. You should always do, what is in your heart, because your heart will tell you, what is the best thing to do." I know it's just a doll, but it's good, that she didn't let us persuade her.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


We went back to Choctaw with Major and his kids last weekend. Brooke and Mally though three years apart, connected and played non-stop. I ended up in the hotel room with Will most of the time. He got an ear infection just as we arrived. It was okay, one of the nights I made my blog book, into a reality. Kevin and Major didn't talk business because they were having too much fun! It was awesome to see Major and his kids. Lisa was on a girls weekend trip, so we really missed visiting with her, this time.

Kevin has a wide spectrum of friends. As do I, learning of it's value, from Kevin. Putting it in perspective, after only a few weeks of knowing Kevin we went from hanging out with his loyal, alcoholic, plumber friend, to flying on Major's private Jet to Kansas City for a party with his fraternity brothers and their wives, for the Super Bowl. It was the first time I would meet Major. I quickly learned about one of Major's defining characteristics, "Fun." After a weekend with Major, the writing was on the wall about Kevin and Major's undeniable compatibility for friendship. Kevin named Major his best friend, beside his brother Jeff. On the plane ride home, Major whispered promises of luxury and grandeur in a life with Kevin. Only, Major half way joking in his comments, and having just met me, didn't realize the the basis for which I was with Kevin, on the trip, was the same as his reason for loving Kevin and trusting him as a business partner. Not love resulting in hope of material wealth, but because of the fact that Kevin is the most trustworthy, hardworking, fun-loving person you will ever meet. This is only one, of the many reasons why our family holds Major at great importance. He See's Kevin's potential, he has faith in him, and besides all the fun, that is had, when hanging out with Major, at the end of the day, Major is always there for Kevin, believing in him and bringing him up. He is family to us. Kevin always mentions that his optimism was something he learned from Major. This gift of being positive, will forever affect our family for the good.

We enjoy seeing Major and his family every year in July. We go to Lake of the Ozarks with them  and they come in to McKinney almost every year. Kevin of course sees Major much more than I do, for business. please excuse my pictures. They are are from Majors camera phone, because I was in the room with a napping, cranky, but beautiful baby.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Movie night

It is hard to believe that Brooke is even my daughter at times. The experience that I had this past week getting the rest of the shots that Brooke needed for Kindergarten, was far from any kind of experience my parents had with me, when taking me to get shots. My Dad had to take me to get shots, after the first time with Mom, I kicked the doctor ( out of self defense, it was on accident ) and then I ran out of the room.

So Brooke and Will had a play date earlier that day, before we would get shots. Brooke bonked her head really hard and was complaining of a bad headache. I offered to re-schedule her appointment for the shots, since I knew she wasn't feeling good already. I felt as if I was talking to an adult as she said, " Well, I know that I am going to have to get them sometime before I go to Kindergarten, so lets just go today." She went on to say, " Every person has to get shots before they go to Kindergarten, or they wont even let you in the door. It wont hurt for very long, right?" Then she said, " Mom when I go to Kindergarten, I know that I am going to hear kids use bad words, but do you know what I do when I hear a bad word? I just ignore it and get it out of my mind. I try not to think of it, because if I do, then I might say it." My ears are often in shock when having in depth conversations with Brooke. I know I have said we shouldn't use bad words, but I didn't make a big deal about it. She is awesome! Then she says, " Mommy, you know what I do when I am scared? I just think about candy." I laughed out loud, and wondered if she would really go as far as getting needle pricked into her skin, for a lolly pop, even though she had already had candy only an hour ago?

So Brooke was screaming before they ever gave her the shot, but that's normal. At least she wasn't out the door, like me. We planned to go have a movie night just her and I, in celebration of being done with the dreaded shots. About an hour before Daddy got home, Brooke changed her mind and said she wanted to have a movie night at home with Daddy, because she didn't want him to feel lonely, and she didn't want to leave him. I don't like leaving her Daddy a lot either, so I understood. I am going to drag her out with just me, one night, for sure though. We had a great movie night, with lots of candy. Brooke was also concerned that Will was getting left out. She said, " Mommy I need to make Will some toys to hang from his car seat, so he knows we love him, even though he can't watch the movie tonight with us.

It is going to be hard to part with my sweet Brooke for so many hours a day in just a few weeks when she starts Kindergarten.
This is what happens when someone leaves the bathroom door open, and Brooke yells to me,                " Mommy , Will has his hands in the toilet, and he is putting his Binky in it!"  I forgot to put the lid on while rushing to get Will, before his hands, or Binky went in his mouth. This happened while I was giving him a bath, and I had forgotten all about the popcorn I just put on the stove. Grease everywhere since I use olive oil in the pot. Brooke and I were cracking up when we saw it. It wasn't so funny once I was cleaning it up.
These are the toys that Brooke made for Will, so that he wouldn't feel left out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Audrey, Isabel, Hyrum, Eli, and Fawn

We had a very fun visit with Audrey and her kids. Isabel, Audrey's oldest child, is such a helper. She loves helping take care of the little ones that need it. Will absolutely loved Isabel. Will would run up to her and give her hugs. Brooke also really looks up to Isabel and wants to be big like her. Isabel and Brooke got to have a sleepover just the two of them, at our house one night. I did gel glitter, on their toes and let them stay up really late. While Audreys family was visiting, we did many fun things like the mall, Gatti Town and Jump Land. Every time we visit with their family, we wish we lived closer to them. The best thing about Audrey's visit, was meeting her newest baby girl, Fawn. Fawn is the best baby I have ever seen in my life, and she is so beautiful. She loves to watch all the big kids run around, and she smiles all the time.

When I was little one of my most favorite games that Audrey and I played, was when we would go on walks around the neighborhood. We had this game, that if you stepped onto a crack of the sidewalk, we would be transported into another world. We would make up what all the things around us were, in our new world, we had created. Even though we were still in our own neighborhood, that game took us where ever it was, that we wanted to go that day.
Audrey is one of my best friends. I know I can count on her for anything I need to talk about. Audrey is literally the nicest person I have ever met. She is one of those people that you meet, and you can  feel the love she has for every human soul, radiating from her. She is a great Mom, sister, and wife to her husband. I am so blessed to have had a sister like her. She has taught me so much about patience, and charity, the pure love of Christ. I can't imagine a life with out having had a sister like her.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blog book #1

It didn't take me long to figure out how to actually print my blog into a hard bound book and have it shipped to me, once I threatened myself with restrainment from blogging. I decided a few days ago that wasn't going to do another post until I accomplished my goal. I thought I need to remember the real reason that I blog, besides enjoying to write. The reason is so that I can have a family journal printed out so that my children will have it when they are older and they will remember all the love in our home growing up. So they can remember all the family and friends that love them and added to their life as well. My first blog book is on it's way to my house! I started at 9pm and finished at 3am the next morning. I am sure there will be many more books to come, and of course when I print the next one, I will delete this post before I do. I can't wait to hold these pictures and posts in my hand!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thanks for the treat Mavs

 We watched a few of the Mavericks games when they were playing in the finals, with some friends. We had a lot of fun since kevin and I both like to watch basketball. The excitement in Dallas was awesome on the final game. Kevin and I made our bets. We decided that neither of us could bet against the Mavs since we both thought the Mavs would win. I bet they would win by a score of 105 and they did! I finally won a bet, and Kevin had to make me a dessert of my choice. Here is an impression of a high heel shoe cake made by Kevin, late one night when he was hungry for sweets.

Love the USA, 4th of July

We like to show our respect for those who have fought for our freedom in this country, more than just on the Fourth of July. We show our gratitude and respect by staying educated and informed on our local and national government officials. We take pride in the fact that we can vote. Kevin reminds me all the time, that only about two, out of every ten people actually vote. So when we vote, it is like we are casting five votes. Our admiration for the constitution really showed when a few years ago, back when the McKinney Tea Party only had about seven members, Kevin offered out his office for all seven of us to make cold calls across all zip codes in McKinney on Saturday mornings. We made calls to ask if they wanted to join The McKinney Tea Party that we were forming. Kevin even made a script for us to read. We served hot dogs, cookies, and soda to anyone willing to help make the calls with us. After holding only two of these Sat. morning recruiting call sessions, the McKinney Tea Party had over one-hundred members.  Although we were highly responsible for the fast growth of the Mckinney Tea Party, we are not affiliating ourselves with them any longer. We still agree with many things they stand for. The way of thinking we would like to promote can be found on these sites:
We admire, appreciate and love my older brother Allen who served as a Captain in the Marines for many years. He has lead dozens of men in Iraq twice. He has been loyal to this country. It was not easy leaving his wife and babies at the time, for longer than six months. At times we had no idea where he was, or if he was okay? He now serves this country in another field. There are many times he is in danger, and he works long hours to make this place that we live, a better one.
The Fourth of July is also a special day to us because it is also our Turano parent's wedding anniversary. We have enjoyed going to Kansas City a few times since we have been married to attend some very big, and very fun parties, that Kevin's sister Doreen has hosted.

 This Fourth of July we had a great time with my older sister Audrey in town. She drove in all the way from Colorado with her four children, her newest (Fawn) only four months old, and she did this drive, all by herself. We felt honored, and so loved that she would take such a long drive to see us.(My older sister Audrey is one of the bravest, and kindest women that I know.) The cousins all had the best time playing with each other all day on the fourth. Kevin took all children, except the babies, swimming while Audrey and I got a nice run in, free of worrying about any children. We went to the park for awhile. In the evening we celebrated with fireworks that Kevin bought, ignoring the no firework law. It was the first time that Brooke had ever held a sparkler. She was actually terrified of it. She spent her time filling a water bucket that she was calling poison, to kill the ants. We ended the night with treats and watching what firework show we could see on top of Audrey's van, while listening to the radio. The kids did go to bed a little scared because I made the comment that the police might come to fine us. Isabel wasn't worried though, she just said, " I have the best uncle ever!", as Kevin shot off fireworks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Houdini

When my sister made the comment that I have a little scientist on my hands, I immediately thought she was talking about Brooke, but she was actually talking about Will. Staying at our house while she is in town, she has observed first hand, Will's zealous desire to examine everything. Will is my little Houdini, that traps himself in between chairs, just to see if he can get out. In one moment with Will right next to me, I turn my back only to find him standing on a kitchen chair, ready to step off, while I rush towards him. When drying laundry there was a loud clanking noise. We knew that Will knew how to take the dryer vent completely out, but we missed his double-time trick of slipping a plastic toy spoon into the machine, before I had carted him away. This week, if the bathroom door isn't shut, in a matter of seconds Will can be found successfully lifting the porcelain lid on the back of the toilet, where the flapper is inside. He doesn't mind smashing his fingers. His determination drives him to try again. Last night we found a bottle of infants ibuprofen with the lid off of it, in the middle of the family room floor, where five children were playing and dancing. I knew the moment I saw it, which child had the determination to open a child proof medicine bottle. Thank goodness the medicine was nearly out before he had gotten to it. Why none of the adults noticed, I am not sure? The new growth of curl on the top of Will's head that resembles Alfalfa, from " Little Rascals", is quite appropriate for my very happy, very ingenious, little one-year old baby, that sure can cause a lot of commotion.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

When the world hands you lemons, make lemonade

The little entrepreneur in Brooke came out last weekend. It was Friday night and I was eavesdropping on Kevin and Brooke making plans for selling rickshaw rides around the neighborhood. They were planning to put fliers at every one's doors and hope that someone would come knock on our door for a ride. The idea got better with my help, suggesting a lemonade stand as well. Then I called my friend Holly who I knew had a really cute stand we could borrow. Kevin and Brooke made their rounds early the next morning to pick everything up that they would need. Kevin must not have suspected very many customers because he only had ten plastic cups total, when everything was set up. We had a great turn out of customers at the pool. We met lots of new neighbors and Kevin did end up running to get more cups. Brooke made a little money which she is saving in her piggy bank, by choice. We brought music, candy to sell, and there were a few rides in the rickshaw. It was really cute! We took a swimming break for awhile and then went home for a nap, before we headed back to swim and then have dinner with friends.