Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dollie and Me

Three years ago Kevin and I were at a Entrepreneur Organization meeting with a friend of ours, who is the president of the organization here in Dallas. The topic of that evening happened to be "Teaching your Children Responsibility". They served a nice dinner, while we listened to a wife and husband speak on the topic. Richard and Linda Eyre have written many books to help parents raise children with values and responsibility. A few years after having heard them speak, Kevin ordered their "Responsibility" book, for us to teach from. Kudos to Kevin for doing this, also nice that the authors are Mormon. Kevin has been giving lessons from their book, this summer.

Brooke has had the chance to earn money this summer by helping me clean, taking care of Grandma's plants, and kitty ( while she was in Alaska visiting Amy's family) , and the Lemonade Stand. While school clothes shopping for Brooke,  Brooke fell in love with this doll that has a whole line of matching clothes for the doll, called " Dollie and Me. " I reminded her at the store that she could use her money to buy the doll. She had been holding out many times at the store, when I mentioned this before, until she saw this doll. Grandma got her an outfit, and I got some pj's. Brooke is having so much with her new doll. She carries it everywhere, and gives her doll naps, feeds her and sleeps with her, along side Melody. This is very cute, because Brooke has never been like this with a doll.

Grandma Pack and I took Brooke and her doll to a new cupcake shop for a treat. It was so cute. Brooke keeps telling me that her doll is special to her, and she chose that one, even when Grandma and I wanted her to get the blond doll. She has said multiple times, " I know I would take better care of this one, because it is the one that I really wanted to get." I tell her, " That is so good that you did that. You should always do, what is in your heart, because your heart will tell you, what is the best thing to do." I know it's just a doll, but it's good, that she didn't let us persuade her.


  1. Where is this cupcake place? I want to try it! Brooke looks so cute with her Dollie at the table. Such a pretty little girl... I'm sure it is weird that you are buying her school clothes and sending her to Kindergarten!

  2. she looks so cute dressed to match her doll-my kids have dolls that they match with too and its the cutest!! and i love that she knew what she wanted and got it! you can tell she is seriously in heaven with her new doll :)

  3. Love the picture of Brooke with her new Dollie. You can tell she really loves that doll. Where is that cupcake place. Looks yummy,
