Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love the USA, 4th of July

We like to show our respect for those who have fought for our freedom in this country, more than just on the Fourth of July. We show our gratitude and respect by staying educated and informed on our local and national government officials. We take pride in the fact that we can vote. Kevin reminds me all the time, that only about two, out of every ten people actually vote. So when we vote, it is like we are casting five votes. Our admiration for the constitution really showed when a few years ago, back when the McKinney Tea Party only had about seven members, Kevin offered out his office for all seven of us to make cold calls across all zip codes in McKinney on Saturday mornings. We made calls to ask if they wanted to join The McKinney Tea Party that we were forming. Kevin even made a script for us to read. We served hot dogs, cookies, and soda to anyone willing to help make the calls with us. After holding only two of these Sat. morning recruiting call sessions, the McKinney Tea Party had over one-hundred members.  Although we were highly responsible for the fast growth of the Mckinney Tea Party, we are not affiliating ourselves with them any longer. We still agree with many things they stand for. The way of thinking we would like to promote can be found on these sites:
We admire, appreciate and love my older brother Allen who served as a Captain in the Marines for many years. He has lead dozens of men in Iraq twice. He has been loyal to this country. It was not easy leaving his wife and babies at the time, for longer than six months. At times we had no idea where he was, or if he was okay? He now serves this country in another field. There are many times he is in danger, and he works long hours to make this place that we live, a better one.
The Fourth of July is also a special day to us because it is also our Turano parent's wedding anniversary. We have enjoyed going to Kansas City a few times since we have been married to attend some very big, and very fun parties, that Kevin's sister Doreen has hosted.

 This Fourth of July we had a great time with my older sister Audrey in town. She drove in all the way from Colorado with her four children, her newest (Fawn) only four months old, and she did this drive, all by herself. We felt honored, and so loved that she would take such a long drive to see us.(My older sister Audrey is one of the bravest, and kindest women that I know.) The cousins all had the best time playing with each other all day on the fourth. Kevin took all children, except the babies, swimming while Audrey and I got a nice run in, free of worrying about any children. We went to the park for awhile. In the evening we celebrated with fireworks that Kevin bought, ignoring the no firework law. It was the first time that Brooke had ever held a sparkler. She was actually terrified of it. She spent her time filling a water bucket that she was calling poison, to kill the ants. We ended the night with treats and watching what firework show we could see on top of Audrey's van, while listening to the radio. The kids did go to bed a little scared because I made the comment that the police might come to fine us. Isabel wasn't worried though, she just said, " I have the best uncle ever!", as Kevin shot off fireworks.

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