Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Movie night

It is hard to believe that Brooke is even my daughter at times. The experience that I had this past week getting the rest of the shots that Brooke needed for Kindergarten, was far from any kind of experience my parents had with me, when taking me to get shots. My Dad had to take me to get shots, after the first time with Mom, I kicked the doctor ( out of self defense, it was on accident ) and then I ran out of the room.

So Brooke and Will had a play date earlier that day, before we would get shots. Brooke bonked her head really hard and was complaining of a bad headache. I offered to re-schedule her appointment for the shots, since I knew she wasn't feeling good already. I felt as if I was talking to an adult as she said, " Well, I know that I am going to have to get them sometime before I go to Kindergarten, so lets just go today." She went on to say, " Every person has to get shots before they go to Kindergarten, or they wont even let you in the door. It wont hurt for very long, right?" Then she said, " Mom when I go to Kindergarten, I know that I am going to hear kids use bad words, but do you know what I do when I hear a bad word? I just ignore it and get it out of my mind. I try not to think of it, because if I do, then I might say it." My ears are often in shock when having in depth conversations with Brooke. I know I have said we shouldn't use bad words, but I didn't make a big deal about it. She is awesome! Then she says, " Mommy, you know what I do when I am scared? I just think about candy." I laughed out loud, and wondered if she would really go as far as getting needle pricked into her skin, for a lolly pop, even though she had already had candy only an hour ago?

So Brooke was screaming before they ever gave her the shot, but that's normal. At least she wasn't out the door, like me. We planned to go have a movie night just her and I, in celebration of being done with the dreaded shots. About an hour before Daddy got home, Brooke changed her mind and said she wanted to have a movie night at home with Daddy, because she didn't want him to feel lonely, and she didn't want to leave him. I don't like leaving her Daddy a lot either, so I understood. I am going to drag her out with just me, one night, for sure though. We had a great movie night, with lots of candy. Brooke was also concerned that Will was getting left out. She said, " Mommy I need to make Will some toys to hang from his car seat, so he knows we love him, even though he can't watch the movie tonight with us.

It is going to be hard to part with my sweet Brooke for so many hours a day in just a few weeks when she starts Kindergarten.
This is what happens when someone leaves the bathroom door open, and Brooke yells to me,                " Mommy , Will has his hands in the toilet, and he is putting his Binky in it!"  I forgot to put the lid on while rushing to get Will, before his hands, or Binky went in his mouth. This happened while I was giving him a bath, and I had forgotten all about the popcorn I just put on the stove. Grease everywhere since I use olive oil in the pot. Brooke and I were cracking up when we saw it. It wasn't so funny once I was cleaning it up.
These are the toys that Brooke made for Will, so that he wouldn't feel left out.


  1. She's such a sweetie! Miss you guys!

  2. i love the way that girls mind works-she is equally smart and sweet!! (and brave!!!)

  3. Brooke is so sweet. Love the toys she made for will. Will is getting so big!
