Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Audrey, Isabel, Hyrum, Eli, and Fawn

We had a very fun visit with Audrey and her kids. Isabel, Audrey's oldest child, is such a helper. She loves helping take care of the little ones that need it. Will absolutely loved Isabel. Will would run up to her and give her hugs. Brooke also really looks up to Isabel and wants to be big like her. Isabel and Brooke got to have a sleepover just the two of them, at our house one night. I did gel glitter, on their toes and let them stay up really late. While Audreys family was visiting, we did many fun things like the mall, Gatti Town and Jump Land. Every time we visit with their family, we wish we lived closer to them. The best thing about Audrey's visit, was meeting her newest baby girl, Fawn. Fawn is the best baby I have ever seen in my life, and she is so beautiful. She loves to watch all the big kids run around, and she smiles all the time.

When I was little one of my most favorite games that Audrey and I played, was when we would go on walks around the neighborhood. We had this game, that if you stepped onto a crack of the sidewalk, we would be transported into another world. We would make up what all the things around us were, in our new world, we had created. Even though we were still in our own neighborhood, that game took us where ever it was, that we wanted to go that day.
Audrey is one of my best friends. I know I can count on her for anything I need to talk about. Audrey is literally the nicest person I have ever met. She is one of those people that you meet, and you can  feel the love she has for every human soul, radiating from her. She is a great Mom, sister, and wife to her husband. I am so blessed to have had a sister like her. She has taught me so much about patience, and charity, the pure love of Christ. I can't imagine a life with out having had a sister like her.

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