Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Houdini

When my sister made the comment that I have a little scientist on my hands, I immediately thought she was talking about Brooke, but she was actually talking about Will. Staying at our house while she is in town, she has observed first hand, Will's zealous desire to examine everything. Will is my little Houdini, that traps himself in between chairs, just to see if he can get out. In one moment with Will right next to me, I turn my back only to find him standing on a kitchen chair, ready to step off, while I rush towards him. When drying laundry there was a loud clanking noise. We knew that Will knew how to take the dryer vent completely out, but we missed his double-time trick of slipping a plastic toy spoon into the machine, before I had carted him away. This week, if the bathroom door isn't shut, in a matter of seconds Will can be found successfully lifting the porcelain lid on the back of the toilet, where the flapper is inside. He doesn't mind smashing his fingers. His determination drives him to try again. Last night we found a bottle of infants ibuprofen with the lid off of it, in the middle of the family room floor, where five children were playing and dancing. I knew the moment I saw it, which child had the determination to open a child proof medicine bottle. Thank goodness the medicine was nearly out before he had gotten to it. Why none of the adults noticed, I am not sure? The new growth of curl on the top of Will's head that resembles Alfalfa, from " Little Rascals", is quite appropriate for my very happy, very ingenious, little one-year old baby, that sure can cause a lot of commotion.


  1. sounds like he keeps you on your toes! its pretty amazing all the stuff he has figured out...wait till hes two!!! hahahaha. he sounds like a determined little guy-as an adult, that will get him FAR in life!

  2. Will is such a cutie!!! Bennett is starting to get into everything too. He is walking around furniture already!

  3. He sounds a lot like York. Never a dull moment. Sounds like will keeps you on your toes. Good thing they r so cute.
