Saturday, July 2, 2011

When the world hands you lemons, make lemonade

The little entrepreneur in Brooke came out last weekend. It was Friday night and I was eavesdropping on Kevin and Brooke making plans for selling rickshaw rides around the neighborhood. They were planning to put fliers at every one's doors and hope that someone would come knock on our door for a ride. The idea got better with my help, suggesting a lemonade stand as well. Then I called my friend Holly who I knew had a really cute stand we could borrow. Kevin and Brooke made their rounds early the next morning to pick everything up that they would need. Kevin must not have suspected very many customers because he only had ten plastic cups total, when everything was set up. We had a great turn out of customers at the pool. We met lots of new neighbors and Kevin did end up running to get more cups. Brooke made a little money which she is saving in her piggy bank, by choice. We brought music, candy to sell, and there were a few rides in the rickshaw. It was really cute! We took a swimming break for awhile and then went home for a nap, before we headed back to swim and then have dinner with friends.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Love that stand. My boys love selling lemonade too! It is a fun summer activiy.
