Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Fateful Circus

It was our destiny to meet our friends Emily and Drew. So I got call from Kevin at about 4pm in the afternoon one day, and he said he wanted to take us to the Taste of McKinney Festival, and he would be home to pick us up in one hour. At the time Will was about three months old, and getting out with a new baby takes preparation.  I could tell that Kevin had an agenda, and only fate could have been the cause of me having already showered, gotten the kids ready, and set to go out the door, even before I received the phone call. At the festival Brooke ended up playing with this little girl in the bounce house so well. Brooke and Greenly were having a blast from the moment they met. Kevin was talking to a guy who had a child in the bounce house, but he didn't know which child it was. Kevin and this guy were hitting it off, and started exchanging phone numbers, when the two girls walked out of the bounce house together , it was a great surprise. Then Kevin says that his wife is in the car with three-month old baby. Then Drew says that his wife is at the table , with a three-week old baby. Then Kevin says, my wife's name is Emily. Then Drew says, his wife's name is Emily. Then we find out that Drew is much older than Emily, except you can't tell. Then we find out that Greenly and Brooke are both going into Kindergarten, and they will attend the same elementary school. Then we find out Brooke and Greenly were both born in February only a few days apart. Then we find out that, the date that Drew and Emily met each other is with in days, of the date, that Kevin and I met each other. Then we find out that Kevin and Emily E. actually share the same birth date! Then we find out that both Emily's love the color pink, clothes, and cooking. Then we find out that both Drew and Kevin own their own small businesses right here in McKinney, and they both are the rough house, play all the time with their kids, type of Dad. We get together with the Everett's all the time. We take turns making dinners for each other, and we just have a great time with them.

Drew and Emily had some extra, free tickets to the Barnum and Baily Circus and they invited us to come along with them. The circus didn't start until 7:30 which is Will's bedtime, so it was pretty exciting in many ways. We took turns holding Will and walking him around. Thank goodness the family that sat behind us had four boys under the age of five, so they didn't mind the distraction that Will was at all. Hadley, Emily and Drew's baby was sound asleep in their arms for part of the show and then she hung right in with Will's activity, near the end. Brooke and Greenly got cotton candy, snow cones, toys and enjoyed an awesome circus show. We enjoyed what we saw of it.

Brooke has been to the circus six times in her life so far. Will has been to two circuses and he is only one-year. What can I say? We love the circus because we are a pretty goofy gang. We can relate to the clowns and silly acts.

(Speaking of Goofy, he was actually Brooke's favorite special toy, her equivalent of Melody the Unicorn, or her new pal Dollie, for about three years. He wasn't kicked out of the bed until Melody came along, and I kept making her sleep with him and the unicorn. I was sad to see him go, because I loved that as girly as she is, her favorite guy was Goofy all on her own. Even at Disney World seeing the princesses, she chose goofy. She would have these ruffly pink outfits on and bows in her hair, and she carried a small stuffed goofy, everywhere we went. I think she loved him because he was funny, and reminded her of her Dad. At first, I wished she carried something more girly, but in the end, Goofy really grew on me, because it made me laugh to see him with her all the time. )

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