Thursday, August 25, 2011

First day of Kindergarten

I heard a lot of talk about Mothers breaking down and crying on the day, that their first baby goes off to Kindergarten. I was feeling emotional about sending Brooke off, knowing that I would miss having her with me all day. And, worrying about how it would go for her. On the morning we took her to her class room, tears were no where to be seen. There is no way, that I could be sad, and cry about Brooke getting to do something, that she had been so excited about for an entire year. I heard all summer long about going to Kindergarten, from Brooke. Her eyes would get big, her eyebrows raise, and with a huge smile on her face she would ask almost at least once a week, towards the end of the summer, if it was almost time for her to go to Kindergarten?

As a Mother you fear for many things on the first day of school. A common worry, is if your child will get a good teacher, or how the other kids in their class will treat your child? When Brooke got into the car after school, with in seconds she broke out into huge tears. The kind of tears that make you want to start crying with her. I immediately pulled over, thinking I was going to hear a horrible story about how the teacher, or kids in her class were mean. When I got her to finally spit it out, and she said, "Mommy, I just didn't learn anything, and I thought I was going to learn in Kindergarten?" I just couldn't help but turn my lips up a little and almost break into a laugh. I love how Brooke loves to learn so much! She is so smart! We had a long talk that during the first week of school there is a lot of learning about how to get to the classroom and what the rules are. Brooke also was distraught that she didn't get her snack on the first day, because the boys in her class were acting bad. She was starving. I understood, it is a long time for a five-year old to go, only having lunch.

As the end of the first week comes to a close, Brooke is up and down about being in Kindergarten now. She has so many stories to tell me already. She made a few friends, and she has had some kids being really mean to her. We are talking a lot and working out emotions from 3pm until 8pm right now. I am sympathizing, giving suggestions, and most of all I am telling her over and over that Mommy and Daddy love her so much and we are so proud of the good, smart and beautiful girl that she is.


  1. i hate to say this, but that is SO wrong that they withheld snacks from kindergartners! i've never heard of such a thing. i mean, thats just not an appropriate punishment for little ones that age. bugs me emily!! i want to go tell someone my mind at that schooL :)

    sorry she is having drama..some years are harder than others and each child is different and handles things differently. aubrey was more sensitive to how people made her feel(she actually reminds me of brooke in a lot of the ways you describe her!)its like she was so smart and so ahead that she was also way more mature than the other she just didn't understand how kids could be mean like that and took everything so personally. ella was more go with the flow the first couple of years. i never heard a single complaint about anyone. but thats changing as she is getting older...and girls/kids get even meaner.
    its hard being a mom and watching the heartaches and hearing about it all...hang in there and be the good listening ear you always are.
    p.s. she looked beautiful on her first day!(and every day after i know:)

  2. So sorry to hear her first day didn't go well. Hope this week is better. She is such a sweet and smart girl.
