Monday, August 22, 2011

Lydia's Birthday

                                                                    Lydia and Brooke
                                                          Lydia, Alaina and Doreen

Brooke, Sophi, Lydia, and Lexi

                                                               Sophi, Kevin and Brooke
Aunt Doreen, Kevin and Brooke

Brooke gets really roudy when Uncle Jeff is around

We celebrated Lydia's fourteenth birthday while we were in KC. Lydia, has always been very special to Brooke. Lydia, always makes Brooke feel important. Even when Brooke was barley walking, Lydia would take special attention to her, by taking care of her and playing with her, even when it seemed like everyone else had, had enough with the work it some times takes to play with a baby. Lydia seems to have a patience, and a gift of being unselfishh and thoughtful. When Brooke got tired once at the Fourth of July party, Lydia would take her up to her room, cuddle up in blankets with her, and watch a movie. Even when all the other cousins were still playing. When Brooke was three, Lydia entertained her by teaching her games on her Nintendo DS. After one visit to KC, I had a three-year old Brooke asking for a DS because Lydia taught her how to play it.  Lydia once made Brooke a pillow with her sewing machine. Brooke thought it was so neat that Lydia could make a pillow, and she still has it on her bed and sleeps with it every night. When Will tries to take her pillow, Brooke says, " NO, Will, not that pillow. It is special because Lydia made it for me."

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