Sunday, August 14, 2011

Isn't life wonderful

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, sometimes does not take away our weakness, and in fact gives us trials in our lives, so that we can actually, be strengthened. The Apostle Paul struggled throughout his life with “a thorn in the flesh,” which he said served to humble him “lest [he] should be exalted above measure” (2 Cor. 12:7).

Three times Paul asked the Lord to take away his weakness, and three times the Lord declined to do so. The Lord then explained that His grace was sufficient for Paul and that, in fact, His strength was actually “made perfect in weakness.” Then Paul wrote, “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

“Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong” (2 Cor. 12:9–10).

Like Paul, we can find positive meaning in our trials, or weaknesses that are not taken away. Surely nothing is quite as humbling as having a weakness that we cannot overcome, but must continue to struggle with throughout our life. Such a weakness teaches us, in a very personal way, that after all we can do, we must rely on the grace of Christ to make up the difference. That we might reach out to the Lord in prayer, for help. That we might teach others by being humble, and allowing for service. That we might let others grow with us, through the pain of our trials.

As we humbly submit our will to the Lord’s, we find that our weaknesses can indeed become a source of strength if we put our trust in Him.

This was very clearly to me, the attitude that Grandma Turano exhibited while we were in Kansas City visiting her last weekend. After a fall that caused her great pain, and uncomfortably put her in bed for what seemed like eternity, and then lead to surgery, Grandma Turano still welcomed us into her home, to visit her. She said that she would rather see us, even in her uncomfortable situation, than not see us. One of the first things she said as we walked in the door is that, sometimes things happen for a reason, and that she is trying to accept the good that can come out of this.

The gifts that filled her room were signs of the loving and wonderful friend that she is, for in fact, her friends had given her a pile of gifts and cards, to return the love she given them, in her time of need. She is a very loved woman, and I was very impressed with her faith, and humble attitude. 
Once she said sarcastically, " Isn't life wonderful." and with a change in tone, she profoundly said,                                     " Actually life really is, wonderful."

Brooke was so worried about Grandma when she heard that she had gotten hurt. Brooke began reminding us all to pray for her many times a day. For days leading up to our trip to see Grandma, Brooke wrapped up her toys and made drawings for her. Kevin also mentioned, although it would be hard to drive there and back for such a short trip, that he wanted his mother to know that he cared, and he wanted to see her. I of course felt the same way. Brooke is still making drawings and reminding us to pray for Grandma Turano. Will gave Grandma hugs on the first morning he saw her. Although Will has only met her five times, including that trip, I can tell that he feels love when he is held by her. We wish we could see her more, and I wish my children could have her admirable influence more in their lives. But, after all, they do have her influence, for their Father had a Mother, who taught him through example, how to make life wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about kevin's mom! :( hope she heals quick!!
