Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Free Therapy

                                                         Me , Rachel, Amanda, and Holly
Amanda Threw my last babyshower for me, she helped with my 28th birthday party, and she taught me how to make home-made bread. We are training to run a half marathon in October.

Holly, on the right, threw my last two birthday parties, and she is my inspiration on blogging. She even help me set things up on my blog to get me started. She is one the the most fun girls I have ever met!
No girls night is complete with out Rachel there to stir things up a little.

Girls night is like therapy that doesn't cost any money, except for the yummy desserts, movie popcorn , and dinner, and who could complain for paying for a treat filled night, with great friends. Well I guess your tummy could. These are some of the girls that keep my sanity, on rough days. They make me laugh, and forget that I even have a baby who might wake up at any moment, crying his heart out for me. Actually, they don't make me forget, they just make me leave my car at their house, so I can't be tempted to go back home if I get a text, that is promised will come, if he wakes up. I feel lucky to have such great friends! I look forward to girls night and I get it at least every other week! I am thankful that Kevin encourages it too.


  1. what a sweet post emily!! i agree-girls nights are awesome mama therapy! thanks for saying those nice things about me too:) you are an awesome awesome person and friend! i love you three gals and always have a blast when we're together!!

  2. Sounds like a fun night. We need to get together soon. It has been to long.
