Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Brooke's Birthday Wish


I dread the day that Brooke will be blowing out candles and wishing something about a boy. But naturally this wouldn't happen as young as six, right? Well, last night it was brought to my attention that Brooke is in deep thought about some boys lately. I know for myself, when I pray about something it is usually something that I am really putting a lot of thought into, and normally it is something that means even more because I know that I can't do anything about it myself. Well last night when I came  in Brooke's room to sing her her bedtime song, she said, " Mommy, tomorrow is my birthday. " I said, " I know aren't you so excited! " She said, " Yes, and that's why I said a prayer, that just tomorrow at least, that the boys wont chase me." I said surprised, " Really?" Then she said, " I just want to be able to only play with my friends that are girls tomorrow, because the boys keep trying to chase me away from my friends everyday, and sometimes I just want to play girl stuff." Then we had a talk about whether or not she has told them she didn't want to get chased that day, and etc.

I in awe of Brooke every single day as her Mother. I know it is a privilege to have a daughter like her. Brooke is so thoughtful, the way she lets each of her friends choose what they want to play on the play ground each day, and she even has a " pattern " for this, in her own words, and she puts herself very last to have her turn. Brooke loves to resolve problems quickly, she tells me a few times a week, the way that she stopped a fight at school. She tells the other children, " Lets just all get along, and it will be more fun." Brooke is quick to notice when someone needs help, and she is smart about it. There have been times, I notice suddenly Brooke has given Will a toy of hers that I know she wouldn't usually want him to play with. When I ask her why she did that, she says, " Will was about to color the wall with a crayon, and I knew he would scream when I took the crayon away, unless I gave him something he really wanted." Brooke is so silly and fun. Brooke can kick back and play rough and joke around anytime! I love this about her! She knows how to have fun! Brooke is honest. Brooke tells me many times a month, " Mommy, I need to tell you something..." Then she goes on to tell me something she did wrong. I am so proud of her for wanting to be the best person that she can be. I am so proud of her for her kindness to her little brother. She adores him, looks out for him, and I hear her say thank you for him in her prayers every night. Brooke is so smart! She loves to learn and she has the attention span to do it! Brooke's teacher told me just yesterday that Brooke is very organized, and that Brooke arranges her crayons daily by color to make it faster for her to find the exact hue of color she wants to use. Brooke is forgiving, and patient. Brooke told me last week that she really felt like hitting her friend because she was talking to her when the teacher said no one could talk, but Brooke said, " I decided to make the right choice and not hit my friend, just ignore her." Brooke has so much faith to pray for the things that she needs help with. Brooke has a beautiful spirit, and she has a strong testimony of the gospel. Brooke tells me all the time, that the most important thing to her is reading scriptures, making good choices, and going to church.

I love being the Mother of a very special child. I know it is a privilege, and I know that Brooke is a choice child of our Father in Heaven. I know this because when I was only three weeks pregnant with Brooke, and I didn't even know that she was a girl, I had a dream. It was a very special dream, that I will never forget. I heard a man's voice, very powerfully tell me, " You have a daughter and her name is Brooke." I woke up immediately and kept pondering on the dream. I knew the names that we had already talked about if she was a girl, were not to be. I knew that this special spirit that was to come to me, would be very important in God's plan for our family, and that is why we didn't get to choose Brooke's name. Her Father in Heaven whom is so proud of her, and loves her so much chose her name. I know she is so special to him, because she has a strong spirit that is meant to lead the world in righteousness. She will forever bless our family. We love her special spirit and I know at six years old, she is already amazing everyone!!!!

  I guess my fear of Brooke wishing about boys, already came to pass. But this kind of wishing isn't so bad....

   Looks like Kevin has some business with these little boys, if they mess up my little princess's birthday!!!!

                         Will woke Brooke up out of bed this morning by handing her this bouquet of flowers

                  Brooke also enjoyed some 7-11 donuts for breakfast, since they are a special favorite of hers!

                   She is so beautiful, Daddy is planning to have lots of guns by the time she is sixteen

                                            HAPPY SIXTH BIRTHAY BROOKE LYNNE 


  1. i didn't know today was her birthday! hope you guys had fun celebrating your special wonderful beautiful little girl! (who is a lot like her mama:) happy birthday brooke!

  2. Happy Birthday to Brooke! I hope your mouth feels better soon & that the swelling doesn't get too bad.
