Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Keeping traddition alive

We are bringing in the new year with a long time Pack family tradition! Do you know of a place where        " Wishes " aren't just something that you occasionally think about while looking up at the stars? The "Wishes" that I am talking about is the most spectacular, and one of the most impressive firework shows in the world. Not to mention the back drop for this amazing display of colorful fireworks, is every little girls fantasy, her very own, Cinderella's castle. We are going to the place where fairies really do exist, and you can see Tinkerbell fly across the sky on a cable , from hundreds of feet in the air. You can see Captain Hook ( no not my brother ) but the real captain hook fight Peter pan on the top of the castle, and Mickey will always be the one to save the day.

As a child, our six members of the Pack family got in the car once a year and took a two day drive to get from Salk Lake City, Utah to Orange County, California, so that we could go to Disney Land. This once a year trip, are the fondest memories of my life. I was so excited that I would stay up all thru the night, while my Dad drove. We would have long conversations about everything, while everyone else slept. ( I was also very worried that he would fall asleep on the road, if I didn't stay awake and talk to him. ) We would normally go for a week, and go to Sea World, and Universal Studios as well. We went at dawn to the parks, and my family was always the last people out of the park. We have even been kicked out of the gift shop, so they could close it down. This is very common, when shopping at  night with Mom. I loved the smiles on every ones face on the rides. The churros, and iceys. The fireworks, and hotel continental breakfast. The very best Disney experience was the year when my brother was going to leave on two year mission, to Chile. My Dad wanted the trip of the year, to be unforgettable, knowing that once my brother left, we would only get two phone calls, and letters from him, for two years. We flew all six of us to Disney World this time! We saw mini versions of every country in Epcot. We made our own version of Star Trek,with a video that we actually got to take home of us, at Universal Studios. We went to the beach. We all cherished that family trip.

When Kevin asked where I wanted to go on our honey moon, I couldn't help but want to experience my favorite place on earth with him. It was incredible. His Dad got us our hotel room in the Contemporary, and we could actually walk to the Magic Kingdom. Well in our case, we ran at full speed many times!

We got the gang out, and we are versing Will on whom all these funny looking characters are. The only thing you will see playing on the TV at our house right now, is Disney, because Will has a lot to learn! Don't worry Grandpa Turano, we wont show him Bambi ;)

It's only a few weeks until we leave in March!!!!! Grandpa got us a hotel at Animal Kingdom! Perfect combination for us. Animals, and rides. Kevin says his goal is to capture a flamingo before we go home. I bet him he can't do it ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Have fun!! we're going in June, I love Disney, the kids are always so well behaved when we're there and everyone is so patient! I LOVE IT!!
