Monday, February 13, 2012

No more monkeys jumping out of bed!

Will continues to love music! His favorite toys, are the ones that play a song. At nineteen months Will is so smart and he is becoming quite sneaky as well. About a month ago, Will started jumping out of his bed. At first he did it only when he wasn't quite tired enough to take a nap. Now he is doing it every time we put him to bed or nap! It doesn't matter how tired he is, somehow Will musters the strength to jump out of the pack and play he is still sleeping in ( at this point the crib would be dangerous) and he does this with only one hand, while holding his blanket and bottle in the other. He wont let Kevin and I see how he does it. He waits for a min. pretending he is asleep, and then we hear a door open, and close, since he slams it shut as he leaves the room. Then Kevin has to stand over his bed until he falls asleep, as a threat, for Will to not get up. We learned this was necessary, when Will kept getting out of bed, over and over for almost thirty min, no matter how many times he had been put back in the bed.

Last night, while having family prayer Will noticed the harmonica that Brooke had beside her. He was trying to get it, and it turned into brother sister quarl, right before bed. Everyone calmed down, after they were forced, of course and I sang them each their usual bed time song, tucked them in, and gave them a kiss. We we surprised thinking that Will hadn't jumped out of bed this time. We didn't hear the door open and close this time. What we heard instead, was the harmonica playing at the bottom of the stairs! Will had snuck into Brooke's room and gotten that harmonica that Brooke had wanted so bad, to keep to herself! When Kevin went down the stairs to get him,  Will played his own get-a-way song, while he ran full speed , around the living room and kitchen, to get away from Kevin.  He played the harmonica, while running! Kevin couldn't help but let him go back into the bed, with harmonica in hand. We listened to will sing and play the harmonica thru our monitor, until he finally knocked out, from his own harmonica jam session.

                                           Hey it sounds good, why wouldn't it taste good too?

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